Happy summer
Dear Editor,
Children are out of school, the sun is shining, the water is warm, and Ortonville is welcoming in summer. We kicked it off with the Eats in the Streets by the DDA, the groundbreaking of the Blacksmith Shop at the Old Mill campus, and now the 4th of July festivities are fast approaching.
Be sure to look out for fun events all summer like Brandon Recreation sports at the ball fields, DDA events, Farmer’s Market debut, local businesses open when you stroll downtown, gardens and parks open for your enjoyment, and so many other ways to enjoy your summer right here in our town. Happy Summer!
Tonja Brice
Village President
A lack of leadership
Dear Editor,
In a disappointing action, the majority of the Goodrich Village Council displayed a lack of leadership by imposing an increase of the maximum allowed millage for the upcoming fiscal year.
The increase of 1.5939 will be earmarked for road repairs and held in a separate line item in the Village budget. The added mileage of 1.5939 results in an overall tax of 6.9190. The original proposed increase reflected in the 2019-2020 Village budget was .6749 (shown as a separate line item) which would have resulted in an overall millage of 6.0.
During the public hearing it was pointed out that the proposed millage increase of .6749 would only generate a sum of $69,193. Hardly enough to address the needed revenue to even start road repairs. In fact, it would take a considerable number of years to accumulate enough funds to do even one subdivision.
So, when the council was made aware of this, they did what most inept elected officials do, they doubled down and raised the mileage to the maximum allowed by law.
Even at the maximum raising, an added $130.394 for road repairs, it would take years to start the program. No research was conducted by the Council. They had no knowledge of how much it would cost to repair various subdivisions in the Village.
No due diligence was performed to aid in creating a plan. In fact, there is no plan other than increasing the Village’s revenue. No plan as to which subdivisions would be selected for repair when the appropriate amount of funds become available in the far distant future.
Although it was offered that securing a Bond could be an alternative, no discussion on the matter was conducted by the Council. President of the Council, Shannon McCafferty, Councilman Tim Light and Councilman Tim Barraco voted yes in imposing the maximum increase in the millage.
When you receive your next tax bill with the increase, write those names down on your statement and vote for someone else when the time comes. Someone who can provide some much needed leadership.
Richard Saroli
Village of Goodrich
Thank you
Dear Editor,
The Brandon Senior Class officers and the Senior Class would like to thank the many sponsors that helped to make the senior all night party at Legacy Center in Oxford, on May 30th, a success. The students were able to enjoy a fun-filled night with laser tag, go-karts, trampolines, fowling, bowling and many giveaways throughout the night. Without the very generous donations of the people/businesses listed below, the seniors would have missed out on one last night together being kids. Many senior parent volunteers and these sponsors provided a safe and memorable experience for the 110 students that participated in the event.
A very special thank you to: Alpine Roofing, A&W, Jason Gault Real Estate One, Joe Builder Corp, Kristen Wengren Real Estate One, Ortonville Rotary Club, Village Funeral Home, Marr Chiropractic, Dr. James Williams, Marathon, Elowsky Lawn Care, Oakland Community College, Fit Body Boot Camp, Beasley Insurance, Lynn’s Dance Studio, Tom’s market, Brandon All Sports Boosters, the Claxton Family, First Impression Hair Salon, China Fare, The Boat Bar, Bullfrogs, MSU Credit Union, Tropical Smoothie, and Randy Wise Ford.
If you have any questions you can email me or call me at 248-943-0179.
Cristina Sulisz
Student Council Adviser
Class of 2019