Library classes get electronic readers up to speed

These days, your library card comes in handy even if you’re not in the building. Many are poring over e-readers instead of the traditional hard and paperback books, so in recent years the Clarkston Independence District Library lends electronically.
According to Keegan Sulecki, the library’s Head of Technical Services, patrons are increasingly coming to the reference desk with questions about using their Kindles, iPads, Androids, and Nooks to check out reading materials. As a result, Sulecki’s been offering presentations on how to use your e-reader to browse for and download library books.
E-readers offer the convenience of enjoying your favorite books from just about anywhere with Internet access. They also allow users to resize the text to suit their vision capabilities.
While electronic reading devices have advantages, Sulecki notes that not everyone who has one is tech savvy. Her classes are geared to those ‘who need extra help,? she said.
During her presentation, Sulecki takes participants step-by-step through how to access the library’s e-reader service called ‘Overdrive.? Donations from the Clarkston Area Lions Club help make Overdrive available, and Sulecki points out, ‘we do our best to make sure people can use the service.?
Once Sulecki’s explains how to use Overdrive, she takes time to help each individual download e-books and audiobooks to their particular device.
‘It’s not that difficult once you know how to use it, but getting started can be a little intimidating,? Sulecki said.
On February 19, Marge Lugar came by for Sulecki’s presentation on downloadable e-books with her new Nook. ‘It’s not simple,? Lugar said. ‘I need lots of information.?
After Lugar browsed for a book she wanted to download, Sulecki worked with her one-on-one to show her how to use her Nook. By the end of the session, ‘we were able to successfully download an ebook onto her Mac and transfer it to her Nook,? Sulecki said.
The Clarkston Independence District Library will continue giving presentations on downloadable e-books and audiobooks, and Sulecki said she usually holds them around the holidays when most patrons receive e-readers as gifts. Interested parties can get help at the library’s reference desk throughout the year too. Go to to find out more information.