Local doctor believes resident should get active

According to a recent study by the Governor’s Council on Physical Fitness, the cost of physical inactivity in Michigan is $8.9 billion a year.
That figure includes direct and indirect cost of medical care, workers? compensation and lost productivity. Broken down it will cost each Michigan adult $1,175.
‘That is not an exaggeration,? Clarkston doctor James O’Neill said. ‘This is a huge problem. Many people are couch potatoes and the big problem is they would rather be spectators instead of participants.?
Dr. O’Neill believes eventually health insurance companies will give individuals who are physically fit a break on their premiums.
Dr. O’Neill warned inactivity can lead to many health problems.
‘A lot of people just come home from work and like to just sit. They sit around, eat and sleep and sometimes become depressed. Those type of people are more likely to get involved in consuming a lot of alcohol or drugs,? Dr. O’Neill said.
The doctor believes exercise does not need to be a chore, but rather can be an enjoyable experience. He recommends playing music and choosing a type of exercise that you enjoy doing. Dr. O’Neill stated the best exercise is still walking.
The exercise he talks about is just for 30-40 minutes a day three or four times a week.
‘Once you start exercising it is very habit forming,? O’Neill said. ‘Find the time of the day that works for you than make it a habit. But make sure it stays enjoyable and you are not stressed or feeling guilty if you miss a day. That is not healthy, either.?
The doctor warns individuals to be safe in their activities. This includes not participating in the ‘extreme sports,? which have gained popularity in recent years or trying to do too much without working your way up to that level.
‘Exercise should provide physical and mental tranquility,? Dr. O’Neill said. ‘You have to be careful where you exercise and how hard you push yourself. Drink plenty of water and stop if you are in pain. There is no age limit that is a barrier to exercise.?
Dr. O’Neill recommends aqua exercise for those senior citizens or individuals with disabilities that find other exercises too hard.
According to a recent Behavioral Risk Factor survey in Michigan, 55.2 percent or 4.18 million Michigan residents fail to meet the U.S. Surgeon General’s recommendations for physical activity.
Adults are considered to be physically active if they participate in at least 30 minutes of moderate physical activity five or more days a week.
If just one in 20 sedentary adults became physically active, a cost avoidance of $575 million per year over the next four years can be realized. This equates to jobs for more than 15,400 new employees.
Independence Township Parks and Recreation Department Director Mike Turk said his department offers a variety of activities to help residents get active.
‘We try to do as much as we can. If we get enough calls we try to do it,? Turk said.
The activities the township sponsors include in-line skating, softball and soccer.
‘But eventually the responsibility falls on the individual to get physically active,? Turk said. ‘We can only do so much.?