Local folks going to Obamaland

Most school field trips are to pretty run-of-the-mill places like museums, nature preserves or the zoo.
But next week a group of 16 Oxford High School students will embark on a field trip unlike any other for they will witness the inauguration of President-Elect Barack Obama in Washington D.C.
‘This is a once in a lifetime opportunity,? said OHS social studies teacher Kurt Nuss, who organized the trip. ‘They get to witness history in action.?
In the past, Nuss has taken student groups to President Bill Clinton’s second inauguration in 1996 and President George W. Bush’s first one in 2000.
‘I think there’s more anticipation for this one,? he said. ‘There seems to be more excitement around this one.?
Witnessing the transition from one president to another never ceases to amaze and inspire him as both an educator and an American.
‘Every four or eight years we have a peaceful transfer of power which is very rare in the world,? he said.
Nuss loves ‘how smoothly this goes, how everybody comes together whether it was your candidate or not.?
‘No matter what he’s still your president and the way people accept that, rally behind him, is pretty cool to me,? he said. ‘Gridlock doesn’t exist (during the inauguration). It’s all about let’s get focused and wish him the best because if he doesn’t succeed it’s not good for any of us.?
The OHS group will spend three days in our nation’s capital, two of which they will spend visiting famous sites such as Arlington National Cemetery, the memorials for World War II, Korea and Vietnam, the International Spy Museum, the Smithsonian, and the memorials for presidents Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln and Franklin D. Roosevelt.
Although the group will be following an itinerary, Nuss said because of the massive number of people expected to attend this year’s inauguration, they’ll probably have be more flexible then on past trips.
‘This year I think events are going to dictate what we can and can’t do,? he said. ‘We’ll just have to go with the flow and enjoy the experience.?
Nuss believes Washington D.C. is a place every American should visit at least once if they have the means.
‘To really understand the awe and splendor of the U.S. that’s one place people have to go,? he said.