Local VFW Post elects new officers

North Oakland VFW Post 334 held its annual election of officers on Thursday, April 9.
The Post meets in the Club Room in the lower level of the Knights of Columbus Hall located at 1400 Orion Road in Lake Orion the second Thursday of every month at 7:30 PM.
The newly elected officers include Ernest W. Baker, Commander; James Trumble, Senior Vice Commander; Leslie Waggett, Junior Vice Commander; Wesley M. Klein, Quartermaster and Frank Cobb, Officer of the Day.
Other officers include Robert Watros, Adjutant; Gary Clouse, Post Advocate; Joseph Zikewich, Service Officer; Leo Thomas, Chaplain and Leland Uhl, Surgeon.
The new Trustees are James Delaney, Conrad Konczal and Leslie Waggett. James Trumble will also serve as Community Service Officer, Buddy Poppy Chairman and the Posts National Home Representative.
Other positions include John W. Hart, Post Historian; Joseph Mastromatteo, DDS., Hospital Chairman and Membership Chairman; Ernest W. Baker, Legislative Chairman; Conrad Konczal, POW-MIA Chairman; Robert Woodcum, Guard and Matthew Crimando, Homeless Vets Chairman.
The Post recently added four new members. They are Mark Schafrick (Oxford), Joseph Nagel (Oxford), Matthew Crimando (Orion Twp.) and Loren Schmidt (Rochester).
Members of Post 334 served either in World War 11, Korea, Vietnam, Desert Storm, Iraq or Afghanistan or had other overseas duty and members live in Lake Orion, Oxford, Metamora, Leonard and Rochester.
For more information, veterans may call Ernie Baker at 248-391-6933.
There are many Veterans Administration programs available that benefit veterans, such as low cost prescriptions and the best way to stay abreast of these benefits is by participating in an organization like the VFW.
Also many veterans who are new residents of North Oakland County will find joining the North Oakland Post a good way to make new friends in the area.

North Oakland VFW Post 334 held its annual election of officers on Thursday, April 9.
The Post meets in the Club Room in the lower level of the Knights of Columbus Hall located at 1400 Orion Road in Lake Orion the second Thursday of every month at 7:30 PM.
The newly elected officers include Ernest W. Baker, Commander; James Trumble, Senior Vice Commander; Leslie Waggett, Junior Vice Commander; Wesley M. Klein, Quartermaster and Frank Cobb, Officer of the Day.
Other officers include Robert Watros, Adjutant; Gary Clouse, Post Advocate; Joseph Zikewich, Service Officer; Leo Thomas, Chaplain and Leland Uhl, Surgeon.
The new Trustees are James Delaney, Conrad Konczal and Leslie Waggett. James Trumble will also serve as Community Service Officer, Buddy Poppy Chairman and the Posts National Home Representative.
Other positions include John W. Hart, Post Historian; Joseph Mastromatteo, DDS., Hospital Chairman and Membership Chairman; Ernest W. Baker, Legislative Chairman; Conrad Konczal, POW-MIA Chairman; Robert Woodcum, Guard and Matthew Crimando, Homeless Vets Chairman.
The Post recently added four new members. They are Mark Schafrick (Oxford), Joseph Nagel (Oxford), Matthew Crimando (Orion Twp.) and Loren Schmidt (Rochester).
Members of Post 334 served either in World War 11, Korea, Vietnam, Desert Storm, Iraq or Afghanistan or had other overseas duty and members live in Lake Orion, Oxford, Metamora, Leonard and Rochester.
For more information about the Post veterans may call Ernie Baker at 248-391-6933.
There are many Veterans Administration programs available that benefit veterans, such as low cost prescriptions and the best way to stay abreast of these benefits is by participating in an organization like the VFW. Also many veterans who are new residents of North Oakland County will find joining the North Oakland Post a good way to make new friends in the area.