Love INC needs cash to keep going

The holidays can be a very busy time of the year as people race to complete their Christmas shopping and ‘to do? lists before Dec. 25.
For North Oakland County’s Love In the Name of Christ, the holidays bring higher demands for services. The ministry is asking for donations to better equip it to serve the area’s underprivileged.
According to Executive Director Sandy Weaver, Love INC is receiving nearly 40 calls daily for assistance with rent, utilities, food, clothing, furniture, automobile repair, and home repairs. With Michigan’s rising unemployment rate, the need is escalating.
The director said the ministry answered more than 440 requests during November alone.
Currently, Love INC needs financial assistance for operational expenses including rent, telephone, insurance, mailing and payroll for two part-time employees.
‘The donations for operational expenses have fallen drastically, and it would be helpful if [people] would consider making a special donation to [Love INC’s] cause,? Weaver said.
Love INC is a 501(c)3 non-profit corporation. Checks can be mailed to: Love INC, P.O. Box 104, Lake Orion, MI 48361
When helping the underprivileged, Love INC verifies the need and legitimacy , then refers the request to a community agency, food pantry, or a local church program.
Among Love INC’s major ministries are the Clothes Closet, Household Goods, Furniture and Personal Needs ministries, which are located in the Angel Center. Fifteen area churches provide over 80 volunteers who staff these ministries.
Love INC also does follow ups to make sure the needs have been met and to offer any needed spiritual support.
For more information call (248)693-4357 or visit their website at