Masons host Swiss steak dinner to benefit Brandon students

Helping Brandon students with their college education is one of the ways the Ortonville Masonic Lodge contributes to the community.
Members of Lodge No. 339 of the Free and Associated Masons, located at 21 South St., Ortonville, hosted their annual Swiss steak dinner Saturday, Mar. 25. More than 200 people attended the event, with the proceeds going to fund scholarships for Brandon High School students.
Henry Lozier, Treasurer of Lodge No. 339, said the Masonic Foundation of Michigan cosponsors the scholarship with the Ortonville lodge, with applications due by the end of March. Lozier also said the lodge has sponsored the scholarships for the past three years.
Lutz Bleckley, Master of Lodge No. 339, said four applications for scholarships from Brandon students have been received this year. He said when deciding on scholarship recipients, the Masons consider many factors.
‘Grade point average is something that would definitely be looked at, but that does not necessarily mean that would be the only factor,? he said. ‘We also look at what students will be studying in college.?
Bleckley said the lodge typically awards a total of $2,000 worth of college scholarships each year. He said this year, it is possible the scholarship money may be divided among the four students.
The Ortonville Masons have been a part of the community since their chapter was chartered in 1874, Lozier said. While he said the Swiss steak dinner and subsequent college scholarship funding are important parts of what the Ortonville Lodge does, he said the Masons help out the community in other ways.
He said the Masons also sponsored at least one youth baseball team a year through Brandon Township Recreation, and sometimes two if the Recreation Department is having trouble finding sponsors.
In addition, the Lodge is hosting a benefit dinner for the son and daughter-in-law of their Secretary. The couple recently lost their house in a fire, and the Masons are sponsoring a benefit spaghetti dinner Saturday, Apr. 15.