Since this whole thing began, Oxford school bond proponents have portrayed their effort as something that’s purely ‘community-driven.?
I know that’s a load of hogwash.
From the start, it’s been driven by one man who’s extremely adept at talking to people and making them believe his ideas are really their ideas.
It’s a lot like the salesman who convinces you to buy his product by making you believe you can’t live without it.
But it’s when I took a look at the finances behind the pro-bond campaign that I realized just what a complete load of crap this whole ‘community-driven? stuff really is.
Do you know who the only two contributors to the ‘Vote Yes for Oxford’s Future Committee? are?
I’ll give you a hint ? it’s the people who stand to benefit from the project financially.
Two of the companies slated to work on the bond improvements ? the Troy-based Integrated Design Solutions (IDS) and the Lansing-based Granger Construction Co. ? donated a combined $5,976 in cash, goods and in-kind services to the yes-campaign.
Check it out for yourself by visiting the Oakland County Clerk’s website Look under Elections Division, then click on Campaign Finance On-line. The committee’s ID number is 94853.
IDS, which specializes in architecture, engineering, interiors and technology, kicked in $2,000 in cash plus $2,136 in flyers and envelopes.
Granger was a little more frugal. They only donated $1,840 in brochures and information booths.
Interesting . . .
So based on the records, 100 percent of this allegedly ‘community-driven? bond campaign is being paid for by two companies.
Neither of them is located in the Oxford school district. Neither of them pays taxes to the district.
Both of them stand to benefit greatly from a financial standpoint should the bond proposal pass.
Sounds more like a corporate-driven campaign to me.
If this is a ‘community-driven? campaign, where are all the financial contributions from the community?
Where’s the flood of checks from school board members, overpaid administrators, teachers, steering committee members, PTO members, athletic boosters and parents?
Whatever happened to put your money where your mouth is?
Unfortunately, like most political campaigns, it appears Oxford’s pro-bond campaign has been bought and paid for by companies looking to profit off the taxpayers.
Kind of gives me a warm fuzzy feeling in my colon.