New Village Council ousts Van Tassel: What council said

‘She does have some good points, I will not argue that, but the residents, business owners and employees of this village have asked, and that is the reason I have been elected, to replace Ms. Van Tassel.?
— David Churchill
‘The manager is appointed by the council. When does the time come for a manager to be changed? We just had an election and I ran as a write-in candidate, and I listened to a lot of people? There might be a new majority. This is the wish of the people. I think the people that were elected have listened.?
— Douglas Dendel
‘I tend to like the Village of Lake Orion, that it’s a family community. I don’t think a family community, a community that cares about its people, would make actions like that? I would watch this on ‘The Sopranos.? I can’t believe this is happening in the Village of Lake Orion. I’m just very disappointed with the actions of this council.?
— Julie Drabik
‘She’s not a people person. She can’t take care of business at the window. She’s very rude. She’s not a good representative of the village. I’ve heard that from many, many people. She works at the pleasure of the council and it’s council’s decision to bring this forward.?
— John Ranville
‘We felt strongly enough about our village that we left our paying jobs to get elected to council to put the true voice of the citizens out there. We are doing something now that should have been done a long time ago.?
— Robert Reetz
‘The people that voted for it are just so afraid of the public or they have something that’s so important it couldn’t wait for two weeks. I have no idea… I just see that there is a fear to let people come in. If you think the people are so on your side, then give them a chance.?
— Michael Toth
‘When it comes down to support for our community on a county level, a state level, fiscal, things like that are strong points. JoAnn knows a lot of people in politics at all of those levels. I think the good outweighs the bad? I hope our council can act as a group in the future. I think that was a reason to postpone tonight.?
— Ken Van Portfliet