November 5, 2024 Voter’s Guide pt. 1

Editor’s Note: Earlier this month, The Citizen e-mailed questions to candidates in Atlas, Brandon and Groveland Townships. The general election is November 5, 2024.
Candidates were limited to 35-word responses. Key: (NP) Non-partisan race, (D) Democrat, (R) Republican and (I) Incumbent.

Ortonville Village President
Village president candidate Ken Quisenberry (NP) (I) did not respond to questions.

Ortonville Village Council 4-year term (Vote for 3)
Name & years in the district: Alex Faulkner. Six years in the village.

Alex Faulkner (NP)

Occupation & government experience: I’m an independent filmmaker & business owner. Zero years of government experience, we all start somewhere.
What is the biggest issue facing the village of Ortonville and how do you plan to approach it? How we spend our tax dollars. We need a comprehensive look into the budget. We also need to focus on promoting new business growth. Secondly, connecting our downtown community to the other towns with trails.

Name & years in the district: Rachel Menard; I’ve lived in the village since 2012.

Rachel Menard (NP)

Occupation & government experience: I am currently the store manager at the Ortonville ACE hardware while doing consultative work for a technology company in the furniture industry
What is the biggest issue facing the village of Ortonville and how do you plan to approach it? I’m looking forward to digging into the issue many of my neighbors have mentioned on septic and sewers for a fair & speedy solution. Also generally, we need a council representative of all our citizens.

Name & years in the district: Ashley Mould, lived in the village for two years.

Ashley Mould (NP) (I)

Occupation & government experience: Cardiology Tech. Was appointed as Village Trustee this past April.
What is the biggest issue facing the village of Ortonville and how do you plan to approach it? The biggest issue facing the village is that no one really knows there is a downtown. We need to figure out how to bring more folks downtown, whether through events or signage.

Name & years in the district: Melanie Nivelt

Melanie Nivelt (NP) (I)

Occupation & government experience: Business owner for 10 years; 30 years in advertising/marketing. Currently village president pro tempore, village trustee, zoning board of appeals, planning commissioner, personnel committee, wayfinding committee, heritage garden committee, wastewater committee, Citizens for Local Choice
What is the biggest issue facing the village of Ortonville and how do you plan to approach it? Funding. We need to keep the momentum of current projects moving through elections and turnover. I will be doubling down on applying for grants to complete already approved projects and continue to support our downtown businesses.

Name & years in the district: Anthony M. Randazzo. 15 years in the village.

Anthony Randazzo (NP) (I)

Occupation & government experience: Edna Burton Senior Center driver. Village of Ortonville trustee since November 2020.
What is the biggest issue facing the village of Ortonville and how do you plan to approach it? Business & bigotry. Legal businesses inside and outside of downtown are imperative for tax revenue. Bigotry towards others needs to stop. Council represents the people, not personal beliefs.

Name & years in the district: Alexa Webb, 40 years.

Alexa Webb (NP)

Occupation & government experience: Pastry chef/baker. Librarian for 5 years.
What is the biggest issue facing the village of Ortonville and how do you plan to approach it? A serious issue for Ortonville is the condition of its playground, sidewalks and roads. I would prioritize change after a thorough and transparent investigation for the residents of funding strategies.

Ortonville Village Council 2-year term (Vote for 1)
Name & years in the district: Linda Brooks, 31 years in the village near downtown.

Linda Brooks (NP) (I)

Occupation & government experience: Retired. 18 months as a village trustee.
What is the biggest issue facing the village of Ortonville and how do you plan to approach it? Walkability and parks. Updating Crossman park and creating walking trails in the natural park acreage. Finding options to connect downtown to the Bueche’s Plaza. Keep supporting the DDA in assisting businesses and improving downtown.

Brandon Board of Education 6-year term (Vote for 2)
Name & years in the district: Rebecca Haynes, we have lived in the Brandon School

Rebecca Haynes (NP) (I)

District for almost 18 years. We have four children, two graduates and two current high school students.
Occupation & government experience: Office Manager, I have been on the Brandon School Board Since 2021. I have served in every roll of the school board including Board President since January 2023.
How do you plan to handle the state’s lack of increase for per-pupil funding? We will continue to work collaboratively as a board with our Director of Finance and Superintendent to deliver a quality education, while keeping the safety of our buildings, staff and students at the forefront.

Name & years in the district: Hilary Stockoski, 17 years in Ortonville .

Hilary Stockoski (NP) (I)

Occupation & government experience: Teacher, I have served on the Brandon School District Board of Education for almost 4 years
How do you plan to handle the state’s lack of increase for per-pupil funding? Work together with the board and financial team to maintain services and programs by finding ways to use what we have to the greatest benefit for students. Our priorities will always be students, staff, and safety.

Brandon Board of Education 4-year term (Vote for 2)
Name & years in the district: Jody S. Hall. I have lived in the district since June 2005.

Jody Hall (NP) (I)

Occupation & government experience: I am a transactional attorney. I have worked for Oakland County Corporation Counsel since November 1997. I work exclusively for Oakland County negotiating contracts and handling real estate transactions.
How do you plan to handle the state’s lack of increase for per-pupil funding? Work collaboratively with the Board of Education and the School Administration to review the budget to determine if the lack of increase of per-pupil funding will have a detrimental effect on current or future budgets.

Name & years in the district: Jeff Zilke. 24 year resident of Brandon Township.

Jeff Zilke (NP) (I)

Occupation & government experience: Assistant Building Official for the City of Birmingham.
I served on the Brandon School Board for the past four years, and a member of the Zoning Board of Appeals for the Township.
How do you plan to handle the state’s lack of increase for per-pupil funding? The budget was planned around the governor’s original proposal with $241 per-pupil, which was cut in the state’s final budget. This was not an increase nor a decrease. The budget will be adjusted for minimum impact.

Brandon Board of Education 2-year term (Vote for 1)
Name & years in the district: Diane Salter. Just over 29 years.

Diane Salter (NP)

Occupation & government experience: Investigator, Michigan Attorney Grievance Commission. 10.5 years on the Brandon School Board.
How do you plan to handle the state’s lack of increase for per-pupil funding? Prioritize. Keep money in the classroom. Instructional learning, teachers/staff & safety are top priorities. But the bottom line is you must have a balanced budget. Costs are increasing. We need better state funding and support

Brandon Township Supervisor
Name & years in the district: Jayson W. Rumball – 43 years in Brandon Township

Jayson Rumball (R) (I)

Occupation & government experience: I’m a Michigan licensed attorney. I’ve been on the Brandon Township Board for 10 years now. 6 as a Trustee and the last 4 as Supervisor.
What is the biggest issue facing Brandon Township and how do you plan to approach it? Sewers. We have a plan and design already in place for them. We are continuously exploring all funding sources to make it happen as soon as possible.

Brandon Township Clerk (Vote for 1)
Name & years in the district: My name is Roselyn Blair, I have lived in Brandon Township for 16

Roselyn Blair (R) (I)

Occupation & government experience: Brandon Township Clerk elected in 2020. I have 8 years experience/knowledge working in the Clerk’s office. In 2024, I received the designation of Michigan Professional Municipal Clerk.
What is the biggest issue facing Brandon Township and how do you plan to approach it? Preserving our small town while moving forward with sewers is important. I will apply for funds through the state, federal and county. Through these resources we will mitigate the cost involved bringing sewers to fruition.

Name & years in the district: My name is Vicki Hale (LeGendre) and I have been a part of Brandon

Vicki Hale (D)

Township for the past 39 years.
Occupation & government experience: I have been a personal assistant for over the past decade and an active member of the Democratic Party since 2007.
What is the biggest issue facing Brandon Township and how do you plan to approach it? Bringing sewers to the community without burdening our citizens is Brandon Township’s biggest issue.

Brandon Township Treasurer
Name & years in the district: Dana M. DePalma. I have lived in Brandon Township for 21 years. I

Dana DePalma (R)

moved here in 2003.
Occupation & government experience: I am a Certified Public Accountant (CPA). I have served as a Brandon Township Trustee since April 2011. I have previously worked in Governmental Accounting and Auditing while working at various CPA firms.
What is the biggest issue facing Brandon Township and how do you plan to approach it? Rising costs – With my financial experience I will continue to analyze the budget, and all expenses paid to keep a balanced budget without raising milage rates while continuing to make sure services are not affected.

Brandon Township Trustee (Vote for 4)
Name & years in the district: I’m Tony Candiloro. My parents moved to Ortonville in 1972 and

Tony Candiloro (R)

brought me home here in 1977. My wife Melany and I graduated from Brandon and moved back 8 years ago with our two children.
Occupation & government experience: I’ve been with the company I went to work for after graduating college 25 years ago. I sell additives for concrete, and I am familiar with all aspects of the construction process. No government experience.
What is the biggest issue facing Brandon Township and how do you plan to approach it? Making sure that the money we collect from people’s taxes is spent in the most responsible ways to benefit the Township.

Name & years in the district: Bob Marshall. I have lived in Brandon Township since 1997.

Bob Marshall (R) (I)

Occupation & government experience: Two terms as Township Trustee. Former Public Safety Professional (combination Police and Fire Department) for 32 years. I retired with the rank of Detective/Lieutenant. Professor of Criminal Justice for 28 years.
What is the biggest issue facing Brandon Township and how do you plan to approach it? Anyone who reads the local paper knows that the seriousness of criminal offenses has increased in our community. We need to ensure that trend stops by dedicating the resources necessary to bolster public safety.

Name & years in the district: Scott Strangeland, four years.

Scott Strangeland (R)

Occupation & government experience: Currently Co-owner of Stillwater Stays and Stables.
I worked in the White House, the Department of Agriculture and in Michigan, I worked for Governor Engler.
What is the biggest issue facing Brandon Township and how do you plan to approach it? Sewers are the biggest ticket item we face. Along with our Supervisor and other Board members, I plan on going to Lansing and DC to make the case for funding this important infrastructure.

Brandon Township trustee candidate Steven Unruh (R) (I) did not respond to questions.

Oakland County Commissioner,
seventh district
Name & years in the district: Bob Hoffman. I was born and raised in Waterford Township and I have

Bob Hoffman (R) (I)

lived on my farm in Highland for 31 years.
Occupation & government experience: Farmer and small business owner. I started my first business when I was 19 years old. I know what it is to make a payroll and pay taxes.
What are the greatest challenges facing northern Oakland County? To spend the taxpayer’s money responsibly. We should all heed the words of the Dalai Lama “our sole purpose in life should be to help others, and if we can’t help them at least don’t hurt them.”

Oakland County Commissioner, Seventh district candidate Derek Marshall (D) did not respond to questions.

Brandon Township Library Board (Vote for 6)
Editor’s Note: All candidates for the Brandon Township Library Board are write-in candidates. To vote for any of these candidates, their names must be written in on your ballot.
Verna Cole, John Crockett, Kellie Anne Faw, Cheryl Gault, Jan Rathburg and Debra Kay Taylor are running for 4-year library board positions.

See next week’s edition for part two of the November 5, voter’s guide.

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