Oakland County Board of Commissioners ? District #3

Editor’s Note: There are two Republican candidates running in the Aug. 7 primary election for the District #3 seat on the Oakland County Board of Commissioners. Answers to the profile questions were limited to 25 words each.

Lana Mangiapane
Municipality of residence and number of years lived there: Oakland Township for 35 years.
Family: Married, 6 Children and 21 Grandchildren.
Occupation: Realtor & Builder ? 30 Years
Educational Background: Designated GRI, CRB, and AB (Real Estate Institute), MTS, Rhema Int’l, Wayne State University, DCI, Illinois.
Previous Governmental Experience: Commissioner Oakland Twp. Parks & Rec ? 4 years. Elected Republican Precinct Delegate ? 20 years.
Community Involvement: Oakland County Republican Party Board, 9th District Republican Party Board, Pro-Life (from conception to natural death). Senior Citizen Advocate & Caregiver. Active in ministries. Member of Faith Church. Advocate for American Veterans. Pro-2nd Amendment. Advocate for the Handicapped. Executive Committee for Athena Award. Pro-Private Property Rights. Michigan Association of Realtors
1)Why are you running for office? Keep jobs in Oakland County. Cut taxes, remove burdensome and unreasonable business regulations. Fight for conservative principles of smaller government, lower taxes and traditional values.
2) If elected, what do you hope to accomplish? Work with Executive and Commissioners to: limit spending, save taxpayer dollars, keep AAA Bond Rating, keep taxes low, remove unnecessary regulations, support Business growth.
3) How do you plan to bring your goals to fruition? Set Goal. Develop Plan. Investigate.. Ask Tough Questions. Evaluate. Counsel. Make Decisions. Stand Firm. Persuade. Persist. Truth. Vigilance. High Standard. Remain Responsible to People. Report.
4) What do you view as the most important responsibility of an elected official and why? Representing the needs of the constituents and serving with transparency. Recovering and preserving the idea that Government is to be of, by, and for the people..
5) In a nutshell, why should people vote for you? I am a: Trusted Community Leader. Leader who shares your Conservative Values. Leader with Deep Roots in Our Community. I am: Tested. Proven. Effective.

Michael Spisz
Age: 41
Municipality of residence and number of years lived there: Oxford Township for 11 years
Family: Married to Michelle for 12 years with two daughters Madison- 10 and Mya- 7
Occupation: Director of Engineering for a Tier 1 Automotive Supplier
Educational Background: Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering and a MBA in Global Business
Previous Governmental Experience: Four years as Trustee for the Charter Township of Oxford, Planning Commission, Chairman of Water & Sewer Committee, Safety Path Committee, and Economic Development Committee
Community Involvement (i.e. charities, service clubs, etc.): Sons on the American Legion, Fraternal order of Eagles, Lifetime NRA member
1) Why are you running for office? We need to ensure that Oakland County maintains course as a fiscal leader in the region/State and are not satisfied with the status quo.
2) If elected, what do you hope to accomplish? First, maintaining fiscal responsibility into the future. Second, continue to bring jobs into Oakland County. Third, increase communication and support with all municipalities.
3) How do you plan to bring your goals to fruition? Using my political and professional experience with out-of-the-box logical ideas along with hard work and requiring results.
4) What do you view as the most important responsibility of an elected official and why? The taxpayers!! I understand we work for the taxpayers and are stewards of their tax dollars. We must always plan for the future.
5) In a nutshell, why should people vote for you? I am the only qualified candidate with the education, experience, and motivation to be part of the team to lead Oakland County into the future.