OAYA seeks nominations for youth recognition awards

Oxford-Addison Youth Assistance is looking for young people who deserve to be publicly honored for their volunteer activities and ‘unselfish acts of kindness.?
‘Instead of focusing on what youth and teenagers do wrong, we want to focus what they do that’s appreciated by others,? said OAYA Caseworker Hank Szlenkier.
In order to be nominated for an OAYA Youth Recognition Award, a youth must be in grades K-12 and either attend Oxford Schools or live within the district.
Most importantly, the nominees must not have received any money, academic credit, awards or recognition for their voluntary service to an individual, organization or the community. Court-ordered community service is also not eligible.
‘The emphasis is on trying to find youth who don’t typically get recognized for their accomplishments in any other arena,? Szlenkier explained.
Examples of reasons to nominate a young person include volunteering at a hospital or nursing home, ecology or beautification activities, school service projects, youth projects at church and acts of heroism or kindness.
By recognizing young people for these kinds of activities, Szlenkier said OAYA hopes to help them ‘develop a lifelong habit of giving back to the community.?
Nominations must be submitted to OAYA by Thursday, April 3.
Forms are available at the OAYA office inside Oxford High School. They can be mailed to Oxford-Addison Youth Assistance, P.O. Box 372, Oxford, MI 48371 or e-mailed to basinj01@oxford.k12.mi.us.
Youth Recognition Awards will be presented during a special May 14 ceremony.