Orion residents should lock their cars

Lake Orion Chief of Police, Jerry Narsh, reminds area residents to lock their cars.
Sunday night, between eight and ten cars were victims of larceny. The cars were parked inside the village limits on Axford, Anderson and Church Streets.
‘This is a crime of opportunity,? said Narsh. Criminals drive along a row of cars, trying each door on their way past. Any car they find unlocked with valuables inside is an easy win.
‘Don’t be their opportunity,? Narsh said.
His advice is especially important during the holiday season when shoppers often leave purchases in their vehicle in plain sight.
‘Leave your purchases in the trunk,? or covered by a blanket,? Narsh suggests. ‘And lock your car.?
The chief also encourages anyone with possible information about the larcenies to contact the police immediatly at 248-693-8321 or police@lakeorion.org.