Oxford plays, wins first-ever tennis match

Oxford Girls Varsity Tennis played their first match ever against Southfield Lathrup and won 7-1. Coach Gayle Bailey said she couldn’t be more excited.
‘We made a history,? she said. ‘This is the first time in Oxford High School’s history that we had a tennis team and they came out big and won.?
Bailey said her one through four singles ( Katherine Labombard, Mackenzie Prey, Aviana Paese, and Maddie Maier) did ‘amazing? by winning in straight sets (back to back wins). ‘It was a real big moral boost for them as tennis players and us as a team,? she added.
Doubles (Marissa Johnson and Rebeka Kroll, Chloe Straub and Brooke Taylor, and Hannah Yoo and Kristen Myers) also did well. However Monika Heirman and Sierra Wallington lost their first match, which Bailey is hoping they will redeem later in the year.
‘It’s always hard having it (a loss) be the first match of the season, let alone being a first time tennis player, let alone being a first time athlete,? added Bailey. ‘It was a first for a lot of things and I couldn’t be more pleased.?
Team Captain, Katherine LaBombard said winning their first game ever was a ‘big plus.?
‘I don’t want to say our expectations were low, but they kind of were being a first year team,? she said. ‘We did pretty good I thought and I was proud of everybody.?
LaBombard said the double teams are mostly made up of freshmen, while singles are two sophomores, a junior, and her being the only senior.
Having played varsity as a freshman at Lapeer East prior to coming to Oxford, LaBombard said she feels she can help the younger girls because she’s been in that spot before.
‘I know what it is to be new to it and most of these girls haven’t even played tennis before in their life, so they’re all pretty good for not ever even playing before,? she said. ‘Plus our coach is amazing.?
While Bailey is very proud of the win and believes they are only going to get better as the season progresses, she still believes ‘it’s OK to lose.?
‘We’re still trying to get down etiquette, tennis is an etiquette sport,? she said. ‘Just knowing the rules and showing good sportsmanship is something I try to instill into these girls, as well as to be classy. Good losers and good winners.?