Parenting the Love and Logic Way open at BTPL

By Shelby Stewart-Soldan
Ortonville — Registration for the fall session of Parenting the Love and Logic Way is open. The virtual parenting program is facilitated by Linda Brooks, and is hosted in partnership with Brandon Groveland Youth Assistance and the Brandon Township Public Library
Sessions are Tuesdays at 6:30-8 p.m., Oct. 15-29. Parents who attend all three sessions will receive a certificate. Register at by Sept. 30.
“Parenting with Love and Logic is an extremely beneficial program for parents with children of all ages, the skills you will learn just in the first week will help your household be more peaceful,” said Fran Hotchkiss, Brandon Township Public Library Outreach Liaison Librarian.
Parents will learn how to avoid un-winnable power struggles and arguments, how to stay calm when kids test your limits, avoid enabling and begin empowering, help kids learn from mistakes rather than repeating them and much more.
“I took the class 25 years ago and still use the valuable information with the children I work with in my programs and with our grandchildren.,” said Hotchkiss. “I learned how to remain calm when children or others in your life test your limits.”
The class is free and is offered virtually this session. Register by Sept. 30 at

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