Paul Amman’s misplaced diversion

Dear Editor,
(In response to: Former Supervisor deems damaged hard drive a diversion, The Citizen, March 7, page 1):
I believe the ‘diversion? is his. Amman ‘asked? Township Trustee Scott Statson to remove the hard drive from a township computer that he had used for some personal business. He admits that. I suppose we could ask why he used a township computer to store personal files when so many employers fire employees for the same action. Hasn’t Amman or Statson ever heard of Kwame Kilpatrick or Elliot Spitzer? I’m surprised their attorney Laddie didn’t advise them better. I suppose we could even ask why he simply hadn’t taken care of the removal of the information while he was still supervisor, but I’m sure we could all agree that wouldn’t have inconvenienced current Township Supervisor Shirley Kautman-Jones. The real question is why Amman isn’t responsible enough ? after admitting he did do the deed ? to pay the township the money it cost to fix his problem. I don’t know about anyone else, but I’m really tired of our elected officials not caring about our money and their responsibilities. The township board, save Shirley, have decided no big deal. To me, it is a big deal. It’s not their money, it’s ours. Mr. Amman, this was brought on by you. If you hadn’t used the township computer for your personal business, there would not have been a reason to remove the hard drive and replace it with an incorrect one and the township wouldn’t have gotten a $600 bill. You admit that you are responsible, you should do the right thing and pay the taxpayers back.
Chris C. Poulos
Atlas Township