Police Log

Risky business
A Lake Orion man called police to report he was harassed and intimidated by a local business owner and village resident when the pair ran into each other at a Flint Street business. The incident occurred around 8:50 a.m., April 26.

Pooch loose
A man on Central was cited for allowing his dog to run loose, April 29. Officers found the dog around 5:47 p.m. near Central and Bridge Streets and brought the animal home.

Pooch loose II
Lake Orion police warned a Washington Street resident about letting his dog run loose. Officers found the dog near Front and Anderson streets, around 7 p.m., May 1. This was a first time incident for the resident.

‘Leave? me alone
Lake Orion police are mediating between a resident and his neighbor after the resident complained of leaves being dumped in the right-of-way and killing the grass. The resident phoned police April, 26 to report the incident.

Battle of the text’es
Officers had to intervene to stop harassing phone calls and text messages between a W. Flint Street woman and her ex-boyfriend. According to the report, the woman had previously asked her ex to stop, but the calls and texts continued. Lake Orion police advised the man he must stop.

Battle of the text’es II
A Lake Orion man called police to report harassing text messages from his girlfriend’s ex-boyfriend, Wednesday, April 28. Officers made contact with all parties involved and said the messages must stop.

Causing a ruckus
A man was ordered out of a N. Broadway business, around 4:30 p.m., Tuesday, May 4, after being disorderly, according to the report. Police say they warned the man not to return.

Beer bottle barrage
Someone threw a beer bottle at a residence on Heights and gouged the doorway glass, according to police, who were notified of the incident, Tuesday.

They’re watching
A couple on Park Island called police, Friday, May 7, after they received an anonymous letter in the mail stating the pair have been under surveillance over the past year.

Where’s your DD?
A 24-year-old man was arrested on S. Broadway, Sunday, May 9, around 2:50 a.m., for operating while intoxicated.

Sign, sign, everywhere a sign
Police requested a sign be removed from the right-of-way at Atwater and Saberway, Wednesday, April 14. The sign’s location violated both state and local ordinances.

Vanishing act
A snow blower and leaf blower were taking from a S. Broadway business, Friday, April 16. According to the report, the items were locked in a shed and no damage was visible on the door. The incident is under investigation.

A resident on Lookout Lane called police, suspecting that someone hacked into his email account. According to the report, emails have been sent from the account stating the man was out of the country and in need of money. Lake Orion officers are working with the man’s email carrier to determine responsible parties.

Lake Orion police arrested a 24-year-old man for operating his vehicle while intoxicated, Saturday, April 17. Officers pulled the man over for speeding around 2:20 a.m. and noticed a strong odor of intoxicants coming from him. According to the report, the man admitted he’d ‘had a few? and spoke with a ‘thick tongue.? The man’s blood alcohol level was .138.

Scat, skaters
Monday, April 19, police headed to Elizabeth Street after receiving a call for skateboarders skating in the street and not moving for traffic. The juveniles left after a verbal warning from officers. The incident occurred around 6:10 p.m., say police.

Beer bottles burgled
Three to four cases of empty beer bottles were taken from a locked shed at a S. Broadway restaurant, Tuesday, April 20. Police were called to the scene around 12:05 a.m. and are continuing to investigate, according to the report.

Keys, please
A man, who was supposed to hand his vehicle to law enforcement after multiple drunk driving arrests, instead allegedly titled the car over to a friend to avoid forfeiture. The transfer could come with a one-year misdemeanor sentence and mandatory vehicle forfeiture, if convicted, according to Lake Orion police.

Rowdy in the park
Juveniles in Atwater Park were reportedly smoking and using profanity loudly, April 20. When officers arrived just after 5:20 p.m., the youth were gone.

Unhappy customer
Staff at a W. Shadbolt business called police to report an irate customer who was displeased with services rendered and was becoming aggressive. The incident occurred around 11:30 a.m., April 20, according to the report.

Identity theft
Police say a 46-year-old Lapeer Street man believes he’s a victim of identity theft and called police to report suspicious activity from his checking account, April 20. The man said he lost his wallet last year but never reported it.

Around 5 p.m., Wednesday, April 21, a man on W. Shadbolt called police to report his dog was missing. According to police, the man’s girlfriend had taken the dog to a nearby park and would return the pet.

Blow through the intersection
An Elizabeth Street resident, upset after witnessing a driver run a stop sign, said he placed his leaf-blower in the roadway so the driver would stop, according to police reports. The driver, who ran over the blower, smashing it to pieces, said he accidentally drove through the intersection without stopping. The driver also said the resident threw the blower at his vehicle after yelling and waving his arms wildly. The incident occurred around 5 p.m., April 21. Police say the safest way to handle observing a traffic violation is to get a license plate number or description and call the Lake Orion Police Department.

Playground graffiti
Police say they’re monitoring Atwater Park closely after park visitors found ‘descriptive and vulgar? things graffiti-ed on the inside of a slide. The police department got the call April 22 and informed the Department of Public Works, who will remove the graffiti.

Locked out
Lake Orion police were called to a N. North Shore residence after neighbors thought they saw a subject breaking into a resident’s home, Thursday, April 22. According to the report, the subject was breaking into his own home after accidentally locking himself out.

No trespassing
Officers were called to property on Elizabeth Street twice April 22, after two different groups of juveniles were witnessed on the property. A no-trespassing sign is posted on the property and officers gave the youth a verbal warning.

Scat, skaters II
Four Orion Township skateboarders got a verbal warning from Lake Orion police after they reportedly threw confetti and garbage around a business parking lot, April 23.

Just asking for it
A Lake Orion woman called police around 8:40 p.m., Saturday, April 24, to report her wallet was stolen. According to the report, the woman left her purse hanging on the stair rail in a common area of her apartment building when she arrived home. The wallet was missing when she returned for her purse later.

Can’t you smell that smell?
Lake Orion police arrested a 23-year-old Oxford man for possession of marijuana, drug paraphernalia and fireworks, 10:55 p.m., April 24. An officer was patrolling the downtown business district and observed the man in his car; the officer smelled the ‘strong odor? of pot. According to the report, the man had marijuana, a pipe and rollers in the vehicle along with nine exploding bottle rockets. The man was already on probation for a similar incident.

Brawl on Broadway
A 22-year-old man was arrested for assault and battery, around 9 p.m., Sunday, April 25. Lake Orion police were alerted to a fight between the man and another subject near the intersection of Broadway and Shadbolt. Police had to chase the man before arresting him, according to the report. Both parties were well known to Lake Orion police.

Shoulda been a footprint
Lake Orion police were called to an Atwater apartment April 12 to investigate a possible break in. The resident believed someone entered the apartment through a kitchen window though there was no evidence of anyone actually being inside.

It’s over, get over it
Someone tampered with a vehicle parked on Park Court, Tuesday, April 13, according to the vehicle’s owner, who believed it was a former boyfriend. Police said a passenger door was left open and the vehicle’s interior light on.

Need a leash
Lake Orion police were called to assist a resident on Bridge Street, April 13. The resident said he found a pit bull at his door, acting aggressively toward the resident’s dog. Officers were unable to capture the dog before it ran back to its owner’s residence. Police followed the dog home and cited the owner for allowing the dog to run loose.

Pistols at dawn
Two men fighting over the same girl resulted in a call to police to report harassment and intimidation on Algene Drive, April 13. All parties involved are around 18-years-old, according to police.

Missing motorcycle
A blue and white 2006 Suzuki GSXR 600 motorcycle was taken from a man’s driveway on Bellevue. Police believe the theft occurred between 7:30 a.m. and 6 p.m., April 14. The bike was not locked up. A key was not in the ignition and someone could have rolled it away, according to police. Anyone with information is encouraged to call 248-693-8321.

Not quite 5 o’clock
Police escorted an intoxicated 40-year-old man home from S. Broadway to North Shore around 4:30 p.m., Thursday, April 15. Police were called to a downtown restaurant that refused to serve the man. Restaurant staff instead led him outside to wait for police with a glass of water.

Police looking for black Ford
Lake Orion police are looking for any information on a black man, 18 to 21, driving an ‘older, beat up? black Ford sedan with a loud exhaust. According to the report, the man was in Children’s Park around 8:30 p.m., April 15 trying to lure young girls into his vehicle with marijuana. Police say it’s unknown if the girls knew the man, though they did not get into his car. Lake Orion Police Department has checked some leads and is continuing the investigation.

Family trouble
Police are investigating a possible domestic violence incident on E. Flint. According to the report, a woman in her 50s hit and choked her elderly step-father. Police are still looking for corroborating evidence and will continue the investigation.

Trip cancelled
Staff at a village motel became suspicious when a man paid for a room for out-of-town guests on a hunting trip and no one ever showed up. According to police, the man had died of natural causes in the mean time and the hunting trip was cancelled.

Keep off
Around 4:15 p.m., April 8, police were called to a Detroit Street residence to investigate possible tresspassing. According to the report, workers at a neighbor’s house went onto the complaintant’s property, unwelcomed.

You flirt
Police were called to a W. Flint Street business, April 8, after the business got a suspicious phone call. According to the report, the call wasn’t threatening, but flirty in nature.

Lock it up
Around $2,750 in tools and construction equipment were taken from an unlocked trailer on Bellevue, according to Lake Orion police. A resident there was doing home renovations. Officers were on the scene around 7:25 a.m., Friday, April 9.

Don’t fall for it
A village resident was taken for $765 in a mail scam. According to police, the resident received a money order from an unknown person who claimed to be coming to Lake Orion and was in need of a babysitter. The money came with instructions to keep ten percent of the money order for babysitting services and send the rest to an address in China. Police say the scam is common and there have been other victims in Lake Orion. Police Chief Jerry Narsh said there’s ‘automatically something wrong? if you’re asked to send money back.

Naked what?
A North Shore resident received a phone call from a person complaining about naked dolls on the man’s personal Website, according to police. The incident occured around 1:10 p.m., Friday, April 9.

Know when to quit
Police found a highly intoxicated man laying at the bottom of some steps around 1 a.m., Saturday, April 10. His blood alcohol level was .33. The man was ‘not functionally responsive? and emergency responders transported him to the hospital. As a rule, subjects with a blood alcohol level of .3 or higher are taken for medical treatment. Levels of .35 and higher can be fatal.
Turn down the tunes
Lake Orion police responded to complaints from residents on S. Broadway at 3:40 a.m. after a motel guest’s radio was left blaring for hours, April 10.

Rantin? and ravin?
Callers alerted police to a 56-year-old Charlotte, MI man who was screaming and waving his arms at traffic near Flint Street and M-24. According to the report, officers could hear the man from 100 feet away. The man became agitated and aggressive when approached by police, but officers eventually convinced the man to receive medical treatment. The incident occured around 1 p.m., April 11.

Parking rage?
A women left a S. Broadway restaurant to find broken glass and a nasty note on her vehcile, Sunday, April 11. According to the report, about a six-inch area of her car window was smashed and a note reading ‘learn how to park, —-head,? was found. The woman was legally parked, according to police.

Came up swingin?
A man police believe to have overdosed on medication ‘came to and started swinging? at emergency responders, who had arrived to help the unconscious man. The incident occured on Washington Street around 8:10 p.m., Monday, March 29, according to Lake Orion Police. The man was cited for hindering or opposing officers.

Who needs enemies
Police returned a 60-year-old Oxford Township woman’s jewelry to her after it was found at a Highland residence in Lake Orion. According to the report, a friend of the woman’s son took the jewelry, which was discovered by the friend’s father in their home. The incident was turned over to Oakland County Deputies at the Oxford substation.

Watch your mouth
Lake Orion police reprimanded four teens after they allegedly ‘cussed? at traffic on Flint and Broadway, March 31. The juveniles denied using foul language.

Just plain weird
Four young adults called police to report a strange man, white, wearing jeans and a plaid shirt, at a bank on S. Broadway. Police are asking for any information on the man, who was driving a white Jeep Cherokee with a missing bumper. According to the report, the man stared at the juveniles before asking them to meet his two-year-old daughter in the vehicle while he held a large ‘wad of cash? in his hand. One witness said he couldn’t see a child in the vehicle.The man then blurted out that he was on Vicodin and had a neck brace. But, he wasn’t wearing one, according to the youth. The incident occured Wednesday, March 31, around 8:40 p.m.

What’s that smell?
Lake Orion police arrested a 32-year-old man for operating with the presence of drugs, Thursday, April 1 on Stoney Creek. According to the report, officers smelled burned and unburned marijuana in the man’s vehicle and observed it on the passenger seat. When prompted for any leftover pot, the man handed police a plastic bag of it.

Bumpin? his way to jail
After playing ‘excessively loud? rap music in his convertible car with the top down, a 38-year-old man was pulled over and ultimately arrested for operating while intoxicated, around 12:45 a.m., April 2. Lake Orion police made traffic stop for the music’s volume and noticed the man’s poor dexterity and the odor of intoxicants coming from him. Officers found the man’s blood alcohol level to be .11.

Pop bong
Residents on Bagley found a pipe made out of a pop bottle in their yard near Paint Creek, April 3. Police believe the pipe, which is used to smoke marijuana or crack cocaine, floated there from upstream.

Stealing or borrowing?
Lake Orion police are investigating a larceny on S. Broadway in which a bicycle and iPod were taken. According to the report, the victim believes his daughter’s exboyfriend took the items. The ex said he was just borrowing them and planned to return them.

Repo wreck
A man on Jackson Street called police to report a repo truck had hit his mailbox while repossessing the resident’s 2005 Saab, Monday, March 22. Police say they’re classifying the incident as accidental property damage.

Read the label
Lake Orion police were called to a Jackson Street residence around 12:35 a.m., Tuesday, March 23, where a man had an adverse reaction to prescription pain medication.
According to the report, the man ‘shot up? the medication and unintentionally locked himself in a bathroom while staying with an acquaintance. He was transported to a local hospital and released a short time later.

Watch for falling dishes
Police gave a verbal warning to a S. Broadway business, March 23, after observing three satellite dishes on the roof held in place by cinder blocks. According to police, the business is not only in violation of an ordinance, but the configuration is also an ‘extreme safety hazard.?

Motor missing
Lake Orion police are seeking information on a boat motor taken. A Bellevue resident was storing the motor and a small boat for a neighbor and believes the larceny took place around March 18.

Make like a tree…
A Slater Street resident asked police to intervene in her neighbor troubles, March 23. According to the report, the resident’s neighbor, a 40-year-old E. Jackson resident, kept entering her home uninvited.

Scat, skaters
Around 25 teens hanging out in Atwater Park hit the road when police showed up around 6:40 p.m., March 24. A park guest had phoned police, complaining of a ‘very intimidating? group of skateboarders there.

Kicked in, cleared out
The front door was kicked in and a hand gun, antique silverware and an iPod were taken from a Clare residence during a home invasion. Police believe the incident occurred sometime between 5:30 p.m., March 24 and 8 a.m. March 25. Lake Orion police are analyzing evidence gathered from the scene but have no suspects at this time.

Monday, November 23 – A resident on Crestwood called police because someone was knocking on her door.
*There was an accident on S. Lapeer and Drahner Rd between a Ford Windstar and a GMC Sierra. According to police reports, the two cars were turning right, and after the right turn green arrow came on, both vehicles made their respective right turns. The Ford, who was in the right inner lane, overturned and came into the Sierra’s lane, striking it. There was minor damage to both vehicles.
*Two windows were found broken and some human feces was found on the sidewalk on Glaspie. The Department of Public Works was notified.
*Some roommates were having problems on Hunters Rill.
*There was a hit and run accident on N. Lapeer Rd. by Ray Rd. The driver of a Ford Escape was preparing to turn right onto northbound Lapeer Rd, when a white van driving northbound on Lapeer Rd struck the left front of her vehicle. The van continued to drive northbound on Lapeer Rd, and the driver was unable to get a license plate number.
*A suspicious person was reported after being seen riding on a bike late at night. The subject on the bike was headed to the Shell Gas Station.
*There was a report of malicious destruction of property on N. Lapeer Rd. A vehicle was parked in the parking lot when an unknown subject threw a rock through the rear tailgate window, shattering it. The rock continued through the passenger compartment and shattered the front windshield.
*A box of baseball cards was found in the bushes earlier in the morning at a business on S. Lapeer Rd. They were turned over to the Oakland County Sheriff’s Office.
Sunday, November 22 – A rear door to a building on S. Washington was found unlocked.
*There was some property damage to a Red Ford Ranger on Glaspie St.
*A suspicious circumstance was reported on E. Drahner. An officer found a juvenile riding his bike and trespassing. The officer brought the bike into the station.
*Someone smelled smoke in the area of W. Drahner. An officer did an area check and nothing was found and there was no smell of smoke.
*There was a verbal family trouble at a residence on N. Lapeer Rd. A man was yelling and waving his finger at his ex-wife because he didn’t agree with how she was disciplining his daughter. The ex-wife also stated that he threatened to take her daughter from her. A report was written and the woman was advised to have an officer present for future exchanges.
Saturday, November 21 – Some dogs were seen in the road around N. Lapeer and Oakwood.
*Someone received a ticket for an expired OPS.
*A suspicious vehicle was reported on S. Washington.
*Police assisted the fire department with a 58-year-old female who was having difficulty breathing on the Polly Ann Trail.
*Entry was gained on a vehicle that was locked out on Moyer.
*Police assisted a citizen who came to the station hoping to get some questions answered.
*There was a traffic complaint on Oakwood.
*A caller reported that juveniles in a backyard on Spring Lake were shining a laser pen across the lake into her window.
*A reckless driver was reported on Lakeville Rd. and Bay Pointe Dr. The driver of a white explorer was unable to hold a lane.
*A black pickup was locked out on S. Washington.
*A family offense was reported on Willow. A caller stated that her husband would not leave the house. After police came out, the wife left and stayed with her mother.
*An officer had to put down an injured deer.
Friday, November 20 – An alarm went off at a building on S. Washington. The alarm company stated that it came from a no key holder entrance. An officer checked all the doors and windows and they were secure.
*An alarm went off at a building on N. Washington. The officer checked the building and it was secure.
*Some property damage to an older Volkswagen was reported on S. Washington and Ensley.
*A caller reported that a 2-year-old was found walking alone down Oxford Lakes wearing a halloween costume. The reporting person kept an eye on the child until an officer arrived. The officer was able to locate the child’s home on Thornehill and turned the child over to the mother.
*Three juveniles were found behind a building on Glaspie. They were spray painting a building when they were found, and brought to the station and charged with juvenile malicious mischief. They were turned over to their parents and the juveniles had to repaint the building.
*Two juveniles were caught behind a building on Pontiac St. The male and female were transported back to the station for parent pickup.
*A suspicious circumstance was reported on Crawford. Some car tracks were seen going back by a pond. An officer walked the area and was unable to locate anything.
*A window was open to a building on Glaspie St. An officer checked the building and secured the window.
Thursday, November 19 – There was an open side door on a pickup in the parking lot on Crawford. While police were investigating the open door, they witnessed two white males running from them. One was in a light colored hoodie while the other was in a dark hoodie. Officers chased on foot and in a vehicle, but were unable to locate the males in the neighborhood they ran into.
*A woman reported that her dog wouldn’t settle down on Park St. and that this was the area where the two males were running from police.
*A Cavalier was locked out on East. St.
*A vehicle was damaged while parked on S. Washington.
*The driver of a red jeep was stopped on N. Lapeer Rd. for possibly operating while intoxicated.
*A mother brought her son into the station and made a report that her son’s bank card was taken and that there were fraudulent charges on the card.
*An unknown suspect took some CDs, money and boots from a locked car on Metamora Rd.
*Wednesday, November 18 – An unknown vehicle struck a parked car on First St.
*There was a disabled vehicle reported on S. Washington and W. Burdick. Officers were unable to locate the vehicle.
*A silver Camaro was seen speeding on Edith while children were getting off the bus.
*A suspicious circumstance was reported on First St. When the officer arrived and questioned the subject, he stated that he lived there. The officer verified the information that the subject was a new owner moving in.
*A suspicious person was reported in the SW Lot. The person was wearing a sweatshirt and jeans and was smoking. He was watching the subject as she went to her car and started walking towards her car. She turned the alarm on and he walked away. An officer checked the lot and was unable to locate the male.
*A stereo face plate was stolen from a car on Hill Crest Dr.
Tuesday, November 17 – There was an animal complaint on Hovey. Two dogs were barking for over an hour, and when the officer arrived, the dogs were inside and no one was answering the door.
*A car hit a deer on Seymour Lake and Baldwin Rd.
*Police assisted a motorist on Burdick and Conda who was hauling a classic car on a trailer and was checking on it.
*A suspicious circumstance was reported after a car alarm went off. The alarm shut off before an officer arrived.
*Someone broke out the rear window of a Buick. After the owner covered the window with plastic, he came out the next morning to find that the plastic was cut out and a bottle of visine was left. There were no witnesses and no known suspects.

Deputy Reports

Monday, Nov. 3, damage to vehicle. Dent in door and driver side mirror broken on Cedar Key Road.
Tuesday, Nov. 4, misdemeanor arrest warrant for shoplifting on Lapeer and Davison Lake Road.
CB radio and walkie talkie stolen from unlocked vehicle on Casemer Road.
Wednesday, Nov. 5, laptop and IBM Thinkpad stolen from unlocked vehicle on Ridge View Circle.
Vehicle impounded for no registration on Baldwin and Judah Road.
Arrest for possession of firearm while under the influence on Clarkston Road.
Thursday, Nov. 6, arrest for operating vehicle under influence of drugs on Maybee and Rohr Road.
GPS stolen from unlocked vehicle on Sharp Road.
License plate stolen from vehicle on Orbit Road.
Vehicle ran stop sign and arrest made for operating a vehicle with a suspended license on Joslyn and Clarkston Road.
Arrest for operating a vehicle while intoxicated and leaving the scene of a crash.
Laptop stolen from locked vehicle on Forest Lake Blvd.
Friday, Nov. 7, Runaway reported on Elmhurst Road.
Garbage set on fire on Stanton Road.
Mailbox set on fire on Morgan Road.
Disorderly conduct when driver hit another vehicle because she was cut off on the road on Baldwin and Brown Road.
Saturday, Nov. 8, GPS unit stolen from vehicle on Crestwood Ct.
Arrest made for driving while intoxicated on S. Lapeer and Clarkston Road.
Sunday, Nov. 9, arrest for operating a vehicle while intoxicated at Atwater and Lapeer Road.
Arrest for driving while under the influence on Lapeer and Brown Road.

LO Police Log
Monday, Nov. 3, ordinance violation on Glenn.
Parking violation on Shadbolt.
Suspicious circumstances on Orion Road. Caller reported hearing strange noises.
Solicitation without a permit reported at Anderson and Church streets.
Theft of Obama signs witnessed at Shadbolt and Anderson.
Suspicious activity reported on Atwater. Potential larceny.
Tuesday, Nov. 4, loud engine noises reported in the back of Murray’s Auto on Broadway. Delivery truck moved.
Juveniles swearing and threatening to fight at Children’s Park.
Wednesday, Nov. 5, suspicious behavior, a disturbance, reported on Slater. Verbal warning issued.
Ordinance violation on Longpointe.
Harassment problem reported with neighbor on N. Slater.
Parking violation at Shadbolt and Lapeer.
Graffiti reported at Children’s Park gazebo.
Thursday, Nov. 6, ordinance violation reported on Front Street.
Deceased cat reported at Smith Court and S. Broadway.
Friday Nov. 7, wallet found on W. Flint Street.
Male suspect reported outside apartment window on Atwater. All was clear.
Rollover accident reported at S. Broadway and M-24.
Loud generator reported on Highland. Resident had no power.
Saturday, Nov. 8, disturbing the peace reported on Highland.
Sunday, Nov. 9, suspicious activity reported on on Florence Street.
Suspicious activity reported on S. Broadway. A business owner said a satellite dish was placed on his roof and was hooked up to the residence next door.
Trouble reported at the Little Caesars on N. Broadway.
Parking violation reported on Bagley. Commercial vehicle parked for two days. Owner dropped it off on Friday for job on Monday. Vehicle ticketed.

All of the above information is on file at the Lake Orion Police Station.

Fire Calls

Tuesday, Nov. 4, burn violation reported on Baldwin. Station # 3 responded.
Pole fire reported on E. Jackson. Station #1 responded.
Friday, Nov. 7, mailbox on fire reported on Morgan Road. Station #3 responded.
Garbage fire reported on Stanton Road west of Newman. Station #3 responded.
Pole fire reported on E. Jackson. Station #1 responded.
Wednesday, Nov. 5, smoke in home reported on Forest Lake Boulevard. Station #1 responded.
Thursday, Nov. 6, buning violation on Pine Tree. Caller reported smoke from burning leaves going into their Monday, Nov. 3, burning leaves reported at Indianwood and Newman. Station #1 responded.

The Lake Orion Fire Department has responded to 1,429 fire and emergency calls thus far in 2008.

Reckless, warranted
On April 23, a Brandon deputy on patrol on southbound Sashabaw Road near Oakhill Road observed a vehicle cross the white fog line multiple times. He stopped the vehicle on Sashabaw near Sally. The driver said he had no driver’s license because it had been suspended and also informed the deputy he had a warrant for his arrest out of Troy. He showed his ID card and a LEIN check confirmed his license was suspended for reckless driving. He had eight current suspensions and five driver responsibility suspensions. He was turned over to Troy Police on the warrant, and the Brandon deputy submitted a report to the Oakland County Prosecutor’s Office for the issuance of an arrest warrant for driving while license suspended second or subsequent offense.
High cost of gas/food
On April 25, a fraud complaint was filed at the Brandon substation. The complainant said her debit card was missing and someone had made $110.80 in fraudulent charges at Kroger’s and Preferred Oil. The complainant last used the card at an ATM in Livonia.
Reckless and careless
On April 26, three complainants lodged a complaint of reckless driving at the Brandon substation. The women said they were pulling out of a driveway in the 2800 block of Oakwood Road when a black pickup truck sped around them, pointed his middle finger at them, and cut them off. He brake-checked them several times, making them afraid for their safety and the safety of the baby in their vehicle. They obtained the license plate number of the truck driver and the deputy made contact with the man, who said he drove around to avoid hitting them and hit his brakes when a vehicle pulled out of a business parking lot. He then admitted he was using that as an excuse and said he braked to scare the women. The driver said looking back, it was reckless and careless. He was cited for reckless driving.
On April 27, a Brandon deputy was dispatched to the 2400 block of Perry Lake Road for malicious destruction of property to a house. Someone had spraypainted the east side of the complainant’s house, as well as their mailbox and a neighbor’s address sign.
3-4 beers
On April 27, a Brandon deputy was on patrol on Seymour Lake Road when he observed a vehicle traveling northbound on Hadley Road turn westbound on Seymour Lake Road without stopping. The deputy braked to avoid hitting the vehicle and made a stop. The driver said he was coming from a party and had three or four beers. A preliminary breathalyzer test had results of .224 percent blood alcohol content. He was arrested for operating while intoxicated and lodged at the Oakland County Jail.

It all adds up
On March 5, a Brandon deputy on patrol on Ortonville Road stopped a truck that had no license plate light at W. Glass Road and Dunwoodie. The driver said he had a warrant in Colorado and two unpaid traffic tickets. A LEIN check showed his license was suspended and he had several prior convictions for driving while license suspended. The deputy also found a prescription bottle of Adderall belonging to someone else. The license plate was taken to be destroyed and the vehicle was impounded. The Adderall was confiscated and warrants were requested from the prosecutor’s office for driving while license suspended and possession of a controlled substance.
Long gone
On March 5, a walk-in complaint was made at the Brandon substation. The complainant said on Feb. 28, he returned home after being gone for several hours and found the door ajar, but no forced entry or evidence anyone had been in or taken anything. On this date, he discovered three long guns and a case missing.
On March 6, a walk-in complaint was made at the Brandon substation for fraud. The complainant said a collection agency was trying to get more than $2,000 from him for a delinquent Mastercard account he didn’t have.
Cell unlocked
On March 6, a Brandon deputy was dispatched to Brandon High School to take a report of a cell phone stolen from a backpack in the boys? gym lockerroom.
Mistaken identity
On March 7, a Brandon deputy was dispatched to a business establishment in the 2200 block of Ortonville Road for larceny. The complainant left her black Carhartt coat with her pink cell phone and keys on the back of a bar chair while she was on the dance floor and returned to find it gone. A video camera showed an elderly man put the coat on. A black coat was found at the bar after closing time with a prescription inside. It is believed he took the woman’s coat by mistake.
Oh deer II
On March 9, a Brandon deputy was dispatched to the 100 block of Fabris for an injured deer caught in a fence. The homeowner cut the fence and the deer was no longer stuck, but was unable to stand. The deputy euthanized the deer.
On March 10, a Brandon deputy was on patrol on Ortonville Road near Oakhill Road when he stopped a vehicle that had only one working headlight. As he stopped the vehicle, he noticed a backseat passenger moving around. An odor of marijuana was emitting from the vehicle and the deputy asked the passenger what he had been doing. The passenger said he was putting his Taco Bell away. Beneath the Taco Bell bag was a black eyeglass case with a piece of plastic sticking out. Inside were two bags of marijuana and a metal pipe. A black cloth bag with a metal grinder and small amount of marijuana and glass pipe was also found in the glovebox. All of it was confiscated and the two passengers were cited for possession of marijuana and for possession of paraphernalia. The driver was cited for no proof of registration and for defective equipment.
Stolen photos, card
On March 10, a Brandon deputy was dispatched to the 200 block of Granger Road for a breaking and entering. The homeowner said between 6:30 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. someone entered his home and stole two photos of a friend’s children and a business card from his dresser mirror. The complainant is in the process of a divorce and said he is friends with the woman who is the mother of the children and the kids? father recently accused him of having inappropriate relations with his wife. The case is open.
On March 11, a Brandon deputy was dispatched to the 4400 block of Dogwood for a warrant arrest. While making the arrest, the deputy saw a clear bag with a green substance in it on the counter and smelled burned marijuana. The suspect said he had a couple roaches. The substance tested positive for marijuana and it was confiscated. The man was taken to the Oakland County Jail and cited for possession of marijuana.
Tint and a hint
On March 11, a Brandon deputy stopped a black Chrysler on Dogwood near Chestnut for illegally tinted windows. The interior of the vehicle smelled of marijuana. The driver had no license and said a small bag of marijuana was under the seat. The driver was cited for a window tint violation and possession of marijuana.

On March 11, a Brandon deputy took a call at the substation at about 3:15 a.m. from a woman who said a man had just run naked through the parking lot of her apartment complex. She observed the suspect reenter the building and go in an apartment.
The suspect, now wearing a red hooded sweatshirt and two others left west on Granger in a black vehicle. The deputy found the vehicle at Granger and Ortonville roads and pulled it over when the driver failed to use his turn signal.
The deputy smelled intoxicants and the driver and passengers were all younger than 21. A preliminary breathalyzer test on the driver had results of .070 percent blood alcohol content.
The backseat passenger, wearing a red sweatshirt, had a PBT of .105 bac.
When asked why he ran through the parking lot naked, he said, ‘Yeah, that was funny, wasn’t it?? The driver’s mother came and drove the vehicle home.
The driver was cited for minor in possession and the backseat passenger was cited for minor in possession and disorderly conduct.

Party, potty, police
On Feb. 10, a Brandon deputy was dispatched to the 100 block of Lockwood for a missing person. The complainant said she and her intoxicated brother were on their way to her home from a party when he asked her to stop so he could urinate. She did not and he became verbally abusive. When she slowed around a curve at Granger and Lockwood, he jumped out of her vehicle and began walking east on Granger Road. She said her brother was from Washington state and did not know the area. Weather conditions were very poor. She couldn’t convince him to get back in the car. He was dropped off at her house by a cab company the following afternoon after having spent the night in Pontiac.
Old theft
On Feb. 12, a Brandon deputy took a report of an attempted catalytic converter theft that happened in the 1600 block of S. Ortonville Road on Nov. 23. The manifold was broken in the attempt.
On Feb. 13, a Brandon deputy took a fraud complaint at the Clarkston Brandon Community Credit Union, 4 South St. The complainant said that on Feb. 8, a teller counted money from a local business and found that two $20 bills were counterfeit, missing watermarks and an insert on the left side of the bill. The bills also had the same serial number. The counterfeit bills were deducted from the business? deposit and the FBI was contacted.
New mess
On Feb. 15, a Brandon deputy was dispatched to the 4400 block of Butternut. The complainant said she left her newly acquired residence about 6 p.m. after cleaning it, and returned in the morning to find someone had forced entry into the home and once inside, had discharged a dry chemical fire extinguisher throughout the residence.
Long-term storage
On Feb. 16, a walk-in complaint was taken at the Brandon substation. The complainant said in July 2006 he had nowhere to store his John Deere lawn mower and two backpack leaf blowers and made an agreement with a man to pickup the items and service them. The complainant had just learned the suspect had sold the equipment. The complainant thinks he should get the money from the sale. A civil complaint is being filed.
On Feb. 16, a Brandon deputy on patrol on Oakhill by Sashabaw Road noticed a vehicle in front of him had tinted side windows and a plastic cover over the plate. He stopped the vehicle and could smell a strong odor of marijuana in it. He asked the driver if he had anything illegal on him, to which the man replied he had marijuana in his pocket. The deputy found two cigarette cellophane wrappers with a substance he believed to be marijuana. The deputy asked if he had anything in the vehicle that was illegal. The driver answered, ‘Not that I’m aware of.? A search of the vehicle found two glass smoking devices, a plastic container with suspected marijuana and a rolled marijuana cigarette in a Marlboro box. He was cited for possession of marijuana, possession of drug paraphernalia, and failure to change his address.
Bad deal
On Feb. 16, a Brandon deputy on patrol on Oakhill Road near Dogwood saw a truck turn without stopping. The deputy turned around to pursue and the suspect vehicle made a sudden turn on Dogwood and accelerated. The deputy observed him turn right on Wildwood Loop without stopping and then saw the vehicle parked with its lights off. The driver said he was scared because he wasn’t wearing a seatbelt. The deputy smelled marijuana on him, and the driver said he had some in his pocket. A search found four grams of marijuana, and $275 in cash. The driver stated he was selling marijuana because his mother was sick and the family had no income. The drugs and cash were seized and a report was submitted to the Oakland County Prosecutor’s Office for a warrant for possession with intent to deliver marijuana.

B & E
On Jan. 30, a Brandon deputy was dispatched to the 3600 block of Hawthorne for a breaking and entering that occured between 3 p.m. and 8:40 p.m. The front door appeared to have been kicked three times to gain entrance, and an X-Box 360, gold necklace, and three $100 bills were taken. A neighbor said she saw a rusty, white work-type van in front of the complainant’s home just after dark with a male subject.
Social blunder
On Jan. 30, a Brandon deputy took a walk-in complaint at the substation. The complainant said he was contacted by a collection agency about a $970 delinquent Sprint phone account. The complainant had no account with Sprint and did not authorize anyone to open an account with his Social Security number.
No bargain
On Jan. 30, a Brandon deputy on patrol observed a Buick with an improper plate. He made a stop on the vehicle at Redbud and Cedar Loop. The driver said he had bought the vehicle from his brother-in-law for $100 and had not gotten registration or insurance for it yet. He put a plate on it to go to the store. The man smelled of intoxicants and a LEIN check revealed he had a restricted license that only allowed him to drive to and from employment or treatment. He is also not permitted to consume alcohol. A preliminary breathalyzer test on the driver had results of .008 percent blood alcohol content. The deputy found an open 12 ounce can of beer in the vehicle. The man was issued tickets for improper plate, violation of restricted license, and open intoxicants. The plate was destroyed and the vehicle was impounded.
Fired up
On Jan. 31, a Brandon deputy assisted the Brandon Fire Department at a fire in the 4200 block of Fir. The homeowner said he placed a propane turbo heater under his trailer to thaw pipes. He smelled smoke and discovered the fire, which caused minor damage to the siding and flooring.
B & E II
On Jan. 31, a Brandon deputy was dispatched to the 3600 block of Pinoak for a report of breaking and entering. The complainant said he left at 4:30 p.m. and when he returned at 10 p.m., he found his home ransacked. Three or four eggs from his refrigerator had been thrown on his walls and entry appeared to have been made at the rear door, where a screen was ripped and an interior window had been forced, leaving enough room for the suspect to reach an arm in and unlock the door from the inside. A six-pack of beer was stolen, as well as a Zippo lighter, a Detroit Tigers World Series baseball, Sony PS2 driver, a Ford anniversary watch, PS2 game, jewelry, and $200-$300 in coins and bills.
On Jan. 31, a Brandon deputy was dispatched to the 3500 block of Dartmouth for a report of breaking and entering. The complainant said someone broke a basement window between 5 a.m. and 5 p.m. and several items were mising including a television, computer, dvd players, camera and video camera. The case is open.
Frozen egging
On Jan. 31, a Brandon deputy was dispatched to the 2200 block of Ironwood for malicious destruction of property. The complainant said he heard a window break at 10 p.m. and found the kitchen window broken with a frozen egg in the sink.
Fuel spill
On Jan. 31, a Brandon deputy was dispatched to assist the Brandon Fire Department with a fuel spill at Sunoco, 1152 Ortonville Road. The driver said he was filling the 87 Octane tank and doing paperwork when he heard fuel coming out the vent tube on the tanker and shut the valve off. The ground tank overflowed due to a safety stop on it malfunctioning. An estimated 100 gallons of fuel spilled into a catch basin on the lot. The Department of Environmental Quality and Oakland County HAZ-MAT was called.
Long overdue
On Feb. 1, a Brandon deputy was dispatched to the library, 304 South St., for larceny under false pretenses. The suspect borrowed $350 worth of materials from the library in September 2002 and never returned them.
Suspended, again
On Feb. 3, a Brandon deputy on patrol at Seymour Lake and Baldwin roads stopped a vehicle without a license plate. The driver said he had no registration because he had just bought the vehicle in Flint. He also said his license was suspended because he had unpaid tickets. A check with LEIN and the Secretary of State revealed his license had been suspended six times. The vehicle was impounded and he was dropped off at home. A warrant was requested for driving while license suspended, second or subsequent offense.
Oh deer
On Feb. 3, a Brandon deputy was dispatched to Sashabaw and Seymour Lake roads for an injured deer in the road. The deer was removed from the road and euthanized. A deer kill permit was issued to a passing citizen.
No heat
On Feb. 4, a Brandon deputy was dispatched to Wojo’s Greenhouse, 2570 Oakwood. The manager said that on Jan. 31, several items were discovered missing from the maintenance barn and maintenance tool room, including a heat exchanger valued at $2,000, two aluminum extrusions valued at $200, a bin of copper fittings, and a small square box of scrap metal.
On Jan. 28, a Brandon deputy was dispatched to the 3700 block of Pinoak to assist the Brandon Fire Department with a woman who had taken several pills because she was depressed and wanted to sleep. She was taken to St. Joseph Mercy Hospital for a possible overdose.

Thursday, May 5, a 15-year-old on a bike was hit by a motorist in a van at Flint/South Broadway.
Police assisted a motorist at Flint/South Broadway.
Friday, May 6, a woman at Pelton’s Pointe was arrested for driving a vehicle while intoxicated.
A person at M-24/Heights Road was arrested for driving with a suspended license.
Someone complained about loud music coming from CJ’s Sand Bar on South Broadway.
Saturday, May 7, on Barron, a vehicle’s door was open and the glove box was gone through. Nothing seemed to be missing.
An abandoned vehicle was parked in the public right of way on Beebe.
A vehicle was broken into on Oaklane. Golf clubs and other items were taken.
Golf clubs and other items were taken out of a vehicle on Oaklane.
A garage on Peninsular was broken into.
A vehicle was broken into on Central, items were taken.
Kids were playing in the cemetery at Church/North Axford.
Sunday, May 8, an intoxicated person was on Lapeer Street.
A person at M-24/Atwater was arrested for driving a vehicle while intoxicated.
A cell phone was taken out of a vehicle on Peninsular.
Subjects were out ringing door bells on Orion Road.
A break-in occurred at Tatum Studios on South Broadway.
Larceny occurred on Central.
The above information was obtained at the Lake Orion Police Department.