Police swap gun belts for tool belts to help art center

The Orion Art Center is certainly familiar with painting and framing, but this summer the tasks will take on a whole new meaning when the Lake Orion Police Association (LOPA) will volunteer their time and talents to the center to build a new storage shed.
With LOPA’s Cops Who Care program, off-duty officers will don tool belts instead of gun belts, ready to arrest OAC’s storage issue, said Police Chief Jerry Narsh.
‘Since they’re non-profit and are a part of the arts, they’re suffering in this awful economy,? Narsh said. ‘They do a lot for the Lake Orion community, so we wanted to do something for them.?
Though LOPA is donating the elbow grease, they’re looking to the community to help out with materials. Lake Orion Lumber has joined the project by creating a registry of items needed to build the shed. Jeff and JR Knowles, of Lake Orion Lumber, have parted out the project so community members interested in helping it to fruition can purchase shingles, floor boards and everything in between.
‘Lake Orion Lumber is so committed to helping the community,? said OAC Executive Director Reggie Harrison. ‘They’re great community neighbors.?
Residents can also make monetary donations to the art center, large or small, at Lake Orion Lumber. Harrison said she hopes the community can help out in any way they can.
After the shed is completed, art center staff will spruce up the exterior so it will be an artful, as well as useful addition to the OAC. Luckily, police officers will dodge this bullet, said Chief Narsh.
‘The best artistic talent cops have is to make squares,? he said.
Cops Who Care is a program designed to help non-profit, seniors and low-income in resolving maintenance issues in their homes in the village, according to the police chief.
‘Cops Who Care will step in, identify the need and cost involved and, if someone’s in need, off-duty officers use their time and tools to do all the work,? Narsh said. ‘Our nail guns are loaded.?
Harrison said she’s very pleased with Cops Who Care’s decision to help out.
‘The art center is certainly grateful,? she said.
Lake Orion Lumber is located at 215 S. Broadway.
See www.lakeorionlumber.com and www.orionartcenter.org for more information.