Police updates offered online

Clarkston Police offers a new service through the Nixle Community Information System.
‘We can send information through the web to your computer or Blackberry,? said Chief Dale LaCroix.
Officer Jim Thompson signed the department up for the free service.
‘We’ll put up messages about emergencies, street parking restrictions during snow storms, events, and awareness information, such as if a suspicious person is in the area,? LaCroix said. ‘People can check it to see what’s going on.?
Using the system, officers can create and publish messages to be delivered to subscribed residents instantly via cell phone text messages and email.
‘It’s reliable and free for our group to use,? LaCroix said.
Messages can be sent specifically to residents registered within a quarter mile radius, giving them the opportunity to receive information for their neighborhood directly from police. Standard text messaging rates apply, and the company promises no spam or hidden costs.
Register at www.nixle.com.