Promoting local biz with strawberry power

In a few months, strawberries will begin popping up all over the Village of Leonard and Addison Township as part of a new effort to promote local businesses.
Dubbed ?30 Days of Strawberries,? the promotion allows local merchants to purchase an advertising square on a special calendar placemat.
These placemats will be prominently displayed at local places like Louie’s Food & Spirits, The Lakeville Inn and other popular spots between June 18 and July 18, the day of the annual Strawberry Festival in Leonard.
‘It’s a way to make people more aware of businesses in Leonard and Addison Township,? said village council member Char Sutherby, who’s part of the Leonard Main Street Development group. ‘We’ve got a lot of great businesses that people don’t know about.?
Although the group is not a downtown development authority and Leonard is not an official Main Street community, the town is employing promotion and economic development techniques under the mentorship of the Rochester DDA.
As of last week, Sutherby said about 20 squares had been sold for $20 each and she expects the rest to go quickly.
Every business that purchases a calendar square will receive a 6-inch-by-8-inch wooden strawberry for display.
Each berry was crafted by Distinctive Design, located at 4495 Forest St. in downtown Leonard.
Before they’re presented to the businesses, Sutherby said the berries will be painted by Leonard Elementary students.
For more information about the 30 Days of Strawberries promotion call Sutherby at (248) 628-5924.