The strikethrough shall be removed and replaced with the bold text.
300.504 Area
Sec. 5.04. Minimum lot area for residential purposes shall be one acre, unless an on-site sanitary sewage system other than a conventional system is used, in which case the minimum area shall be two acres, with a minimum frontage of 150 feet. Where a conventional on-site sewage system is used the depth of the lots created after the date of enactment of this ordinance shall not be greater than four times their width which shall be a minimum of 125 feet.
300.504 Area
Sec. 5.04.The minimum lot area and frontage requirements for a lot fronting on a road having curb and gutter shall be one (1) acre and 125 feet, respectively. The minimum lot area and frontage requirements for a lot fronting on an open ditch road shall be one (1) acre and 150 feet, respectively. However, lots not serviced by a conventional on-site sanitary sewage system shall be at least two (2) acres in size with a minimum frontage of 150 feet. In all cases, the depth of any residential lot shall not be greater than four (4) times its width.
These amendments take effect seven days after date of publication.
Publish in The Citizen 05-20-17