Village of Ortonville
Regular Council Meeting
April 24, 2017
Call to order 7:02 p.m.
Trustees Present:
Brice, Butzu, Eschmann, Skornicka, Sleva, Wills
Absent with notice
: Dylus
Approved the following items:
1. Minutes of March 27, 2017 Meeting
2. Disbursements-$19,784.43
3. Brandon Township Parks and Recreation to hold a skate clinic at Skate Park for Session One from May 8 to June 2, 2017
4. Designate property known as Village Park as the Ortonville Wildlife Preservation Park
5. Rowe Professional Services Company to provide design and engineering services for the construction of sidewalks along Narrin, Myron and Ball Streets
6. Adopt Oakland County Cooperative Invasive Species Management Area (CISMA) Memorandum of Understanding
7. Directed Village Manager to draft correspondence to 26 residents identified as high risk from the Enviro-Assist report
8. Parade Permit submitted by VFW Post to hold annual Memorial Day Parade on May 29, 2017
Adjournment at 10:22 p.m.
Posted by Karyn Edwards, Village of Ortonville Clerk. A full copy of the minutes are available at the Clerkâs office located at 476 Mill Street, PO BOX 928, Ortonville, Michigan 48462 or on the Village Website @
Publish in The Citizen 05-06-17