School district offers retirement incentive to help prevent layoffs

As an enticement ‘to help prevent layoffs and alleviate budget concerns due to the uncertainty of state funding,? Oxford Community Schools is offering a retirement incentive available to all Oxford Education Association (OEA) teachers with at least 10 years in the district.
According to Deputy Supervisor of Human Resources Nancy Latowski, the incentive would be for two years with $5,000 paid each year along with sick day pay-out divided between the two years.
Latowski explained the incentive is being provided ‘to help prevent layoffs and alleviate budget concerns due to the uncertainty of state funding, as well as to help balance the budget and provide placement for displaced staff.?
‘For every teacher who retires,? she added. ‘We should be able to avoid a layoff and typically save money in salary.?
As far as having to ‘pink slip? teachers, Latowski said she could not provide details on this until June, but they are currently ‘working very hard to minimize or eliminate the need for teacher layoffs.?
‘The retirement incentive is a positive measure put into place to help ensure our ability to maintain current staff,? she added. ‘We are pleased to be able to work together to make this offer in order to continue moving forward with district programs.?