School district sinking fund voted down again

By David Fleet
Goodrich — In the Goodrich School District on Tuesday, a 1 mill, nine year sinking fund that would have generated about $645,000 failed 1,342 no (58.81%) to 940 yes (41.19%). In Lapeer County 210 votes were cast with 82 yes and 128 no. About 25% of district voters turned out to cast ballots. The district includes parts of Groveland, Hadley and Atlas townships.
The sinking fund was necessary for several needs including the purchase of real estate, the construction or repair of school buildings; for school security improvements; technology; for the acquisition of student transportation vehicles and in the maintenance of school buildings.
“For our students, staff and families we are of course disappointed in the outcome but applaud those that did come out and participate in voting,” said Mike Baszler, district superintendent. “We will review and analyze the election results as we want to find out if the number of parents voting increased from the 15% that showed up to vote in the fall election.”
The sinking fund denial was the third consecutive loss by the school district.
On Nov. 7, 2023 a one mill, 10 year sinking fund that would have generated about $615,000 failed 1,401 no (55.09%)-1,142 yes (44.91%) voter turnout was 31%. On Nov. 8, 2022 a one mill, 10 year sinking fund failed 3,028 no (56%)-2,390 yes (44%) voter turnout in the gubernatorial election was 70%.
“Moving forward we have a need for funding for maintenance, infrastructure, security upgrades, technology, and transportation that will need to make some decisions on,” he said. “Our communicated district road map has us looking at a larger scale bond between three years of 2025-2027. Those repairs and needs may have shifted to that future bond, come from our general fund dollars or be postponed.”

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