Seven named to burn panel

After receiving almost 20 applicants for the Burn Ordinance Study Group, Independence Township Trustee Larry Rosso narrowed the list down to seven.
‘I took it upon myself to select two people opposed to the ordinance, two people very much pro ordinance as it exists, and three people who wanted to modify or offer other solutions,? Rosso said. ‘I was trying to get representation from the northeast, northwest, southeast, southwest quadrants of the township to have a balance of those who lived on acreage opposed to those who lived on residential. I even took gender into consideration.?
The seven members of the committee are Delynn Anderson, Sandra Boggemes Stanley Bojanczyk, Mark Geno, Andrea Hirsch, James Reed, and Dave Stoke.
The committee will also include Clarkston City Councilman James Brueck, to represent the city.
The idea of a study group was birthed when group member Boggemes came to the board this past June to ask for changes to the burn ordinance due to severe health issues when leaves are burned.
‘I’m very glad they are moving forward with this quickly and there are people in the community who want to come forward to change the rules that have been established. I think there is a great need in the community for it,? Boggemes said. ‘We’ll see how it works out. Hopefully it will be helpful and we can work together as a community and learn how to help each other’s health issues.?
The group plans to meet several times in August to discuss and implement any changes that might be approved prior to fall, when leave burning is most prevalent.
They will also meet with the township’s Fire Marshal Greg Olrich, Fire Chief Steve Ronk, as well as local medical professionals and trash hauling/leaf disposal companies such as Smith’s.
A public forum will be held sometime within the next few weeks.
‘It doesn’t mean we’re going to change the ordinance,? Rosso said. ‘It just means we’re going to take another look at it and see if we ought to.?