Independence Township Board approved
up to $10,000 for a financial specialist from
Plante Moran to assist the township with its
sewer deposit bills.
Township Finance Director Wendy
Hillman said the sewer fund collects cash
bonds and escrow payments from contractors
for sewer projects.
They are recorded as a township liability
and returned to the contractor once the work
is satisfactorily completed. Sewer work in
the township also require a refundable $500
cash bond. Developers also pay a $5,000
‘If not prepared or received, the township
will keep the deposit,? Hillman said.
As of the end of June 2015, the township
owed more than $137,800 to developers. The
liability was discovered while staff was preparing
for the 2014 audit.
The analysis, which will take 3-5 days, will
take place at the DPW office with assistance
from DPW and finance staff.