Sex slave suspects to stand trial

Leon Jeffrey Setty, 54, and Frank Brian Bennett, 47, both longtime residents of Lake Orion, will stand trial for multiple counts of criminal sexual conduct.
The pair were arraigned Nov. 11, 2009 after they allegedly beat and raped a 52-year-old Orion Township woman held captive in their home for nearly two months.
Preliminary examinations, heard by Judge Julie Nicholson, concluded last week and included lengthy testimony from the alleged victim, according to Police Chief Jerry Narsh.
Setty and Bennett are still lodged in Oakland County Jail, with bond remaining at $1 million each. A trial date and presiding judge have yet to be determined, according to reports.
Police said the woman, who arrived at the police station Nov. 7, 2009 with a witness who helped her escape, told them she was hired as a live-in housekeeper two months prior.
‘According to the victim, the intimidation and threats began almost immediately,? said Lake Orion Police Chief Jerry Narsh. ‘And then the assaults began.?
The victim also said she was ‘forced to drink and become intoxicated? on a regular basis, including the night a friend of Setty and Bennett stopped by unannounced and ultimately helped the woman escape from the home.
The witness, a 31-year-old Lapeer man who had never met the victim before, told police both men made ‘very crude statements? indicating the woman was ‘their sex slave.?
The man also said he saw Setty and Bennett become violent with the woman, who was asleep on a couch when he arrived.
‘They began to assault her, pull her hair, smack her, grab her by the ankle and pull her off the couch, which caused quite a wound,? Narsh said. ‘One or both the subjects offered for the witness to have sex with her for $5. He was absolutely shocked and disgusted and said no.?
After Setty and Bennett’who allegedly threatened harm to the woman and her young teenage daughter if she left’fell asleep, the witness convinced her to leave with him and go to police.
‘He literally rescued her,? Narsh said. ‘I know it may be hard for many people to believe that someone could remain in a house or in a place like that, but history is full of cases where people are held when