Shelly Says

Knowing when to and when not to is key in so many aspects of our lives.
This quote was handed down to me from my dad he would say, ‘Shelly you have to know when to and when not to!?
At the time I was a teenager messing up little tasks given to me from him, I would get all emotional and frustrated with either myself, others or HIM! I remember thinking, ‘yea, yea, whatever that means!?
It’s funny how as we get older we seem to understand those little lessons our parents were trying to teach us but at the time were over our heads!
Have you ever had a time in your life where you needed to make a decision that made you have to weight out the ‘pros & the cons??
Or had your feelings hurt by a friend? Or felt like taking a stand in something you believe in?
Sometimes we just act on it based on emotion only to find out that we’ve made the wrong choice or made a fool out of ourselves.
Or maybe we don’t realize it was a bad choice right away but down the road it shows up that you did in fact not choose wisely.
I believe when something works to share it with others, I’ll share with you my dad’s quote, ‘know when to and when not to?? that may mean you will have to slow down and think about it.
Be silent and listen to what your heart is saying about it. When doing this I developed my own strategy it’s called the ?24-hour rule? which means, NO DECISION MAKING or emotional reaction for 24 hours.
This gives time to weigh out the pros and cons this also gives you time to quiet your mind, to listen to your heart. It can also stop you from saying something you will regret.
Have you ever heard your parents say to you when you were little and upset by something, maybe a fight with your best friend, and they say something like, ‘oh honey, things will look different tomorrow.?
Well, here it comes back at us again? and how many times are we hearing our parents come out in our voices to our kids!? That’s another article!
They were right, things do look different after 24 hours and you’ve had time to think, listen, weigh things out so you can come to a better outcome.
Today I challenge you to see where if you just ‘know when to and when not to,? how it will calm your world and organize your thoughts and maybe even save your reputation!
Until next time.
Contact Shelly Kovach, a long time resident of Clarkston offering fashion-advice-solutions for everyday situations, at or

As we embark on the out with the old and in with the new of 2012. Many of us struggle to get it all done, taking down the Christmas decorations and planning our New Year’s Resolutions, oh yea and back to work and get the kids back on their routine for School!
Speaking of that dreaded New Year Resolution- What have you decided to change up for yourself this year? Loose a few LB’s? Save some money? Pay off a debit? Get your kids to bed on time? Meet with friends more? Be nicer to your spouse? Get it all done? Be more organized?
Be more positive? Whew! That makes me OVERWHELMED- Xanax please!!
How many of you plan a little in each area I mentioned, to do a little better than you did last year, then after about a month or two you totally forget your plan? I did when just last week, I took down a 2011 calendar and noticed my goals for the year! OMG was I way off! It was a real ‘ah-ha? to know that I could have done most of my resolutions or goals IF I WOULDN’T HAVE FORGOTTEN ABOUT THEM!.. or maybe even not made a list of 20 things to accomplish! I said, ‘Self it’s time to give yourself a break!?’Geese!
This year I’m going to take a different tactic- one that I have been practicing the last few months!
OH, this just in? it works!
What if we just bit off one bite at a time? It’s not a race we don’t? have to change everything all by January 31st!
Let’s try and stay off of Xanax, and try a new system in 2012-
1. Pick the top priority of your resolutions
2. Set little measurable goals
3. Keep track on some sort of timeline. Ex. No less than 30 days to measure your progress!
4. Get a buddy to help hold you accountable
5. Then let’s not forget to CELEBRATE even the tiniest of wins!
Once you have accomplished your First Resolution THEN you can move to your next!
Life gets in the way of Life all of the time. It’s up to you to decide what’s in it for you!
I’m Shelly Kovach a long time resident of Clarkston, and your new community columnist for ‘Shelly Says? ? style- fashion-advice- solutions for everyday situations with you in mind!