Sidewalk ready for use

A ribbon-cutting for new sidewalks at Orion Road and Atwater Street was held on Aug. 3, with Lake Orion Village Manager JoAnn Van Tassel and Orion Township Supervisor Jerry Dywasuk attending, along with Township Treasurer Alice Young, Township Parks and Recreation Director Rock Blanchard, LO Downtown Development Authority Director Lois Golden, and representatives from Barton Malow and village engineering firm Hubbell, Roth and Clark. The project, a joint effort between the village and township, cost $116,000, with the DDA and village paying the engineering costs, and the township’s Safety Path Fund covering the construction. Van Tassel gave special recognition to Orion Township Clerk Jill Bastian, who did not attend the ribbon cutting, for approaching the township about safety paths as a citizen in the 1980s. Photo by Lisa Valentine.