Smart cart on duty in Addison

‘It’s like having a part-time officer in the township without the threat of a ticket.?
That’s how Addison Township Treasurer Daniel Alberty described one of the newest additions to the Oakland County Sheriff’s Addison Substation ? a smart cart.
Delivered to the township Sept. 17, the cart, which cost just under $10,000, is a movable trailer that can be set up anywhere and used to monitor motorists? speeds by displaying them to drivers as they go past.
‘It’s to remind and caution people of the posted speed limits,? said Sheriff’s Sgt. Robert Brudvig, substation commander. ‘People were looking at it, realized they were going too fast and slowed down.?
This smart cart comes with a five-year warranty and could serve the township as long as 15 years.
Don’t worry, motorists ? the smart cart doesn’t tell the police who was speeding.
Alberty described the smart cart as a ‘deterrent? that lets people see how fast they’re going.