Snow relief for Thendara

Residents living along Thendara, Mohican, Pequoit roads and Sequoyah Park drive will have an easier time navigating the roads this winter because their petition for winter maintenance was approved by the Independence Township council during a public hearing on April 17.
To achieve approval, 50 percent of residents who had road front property had to add their signature to the petition. Tom Neal, who helped organize the effort, said, ‘We’ve spent a lot of time, effort, and energy to get this far.?
With the petition before the board, citizens were offered a resolution that would cost them an estimated $9,000 a year for snow plowing and salting. Some residents were surprised by the costs. ‘We’re making a mistake. There are three people in [our] district with snow plows,? said Jeff McGee who owns property on Thendara. ‘I’d rather see $9,000 a year go to paving Mohawk . . . than wasting money on throwing pound after pound of salt on the road.?
Many in attendance who signed the petition had expected the winter maintenance to cost each homeowner $100 a year, but at an estimated $9,000 a year, each homeowner would owe $200 a year. ‘You might find a lot fewer who would sign the petition if it’s $200 a house,? Thendara resident Dan Miller stated.
The council reminded citizens the resolution reflected an estimate, but Treasurer Curt Carson also pointed out, ‘It’s never been less than $200.? Township Clerk Barbara Pallotta added, ‘With oil and gas prices rising, there’s potential for it to be more than $100.?
‘It’s worth it,? said Brian Hartline who lives on Thendara.
By the end of the hearing, the council adopted the resolution for road maintenance unanimously. The current plan estimates a $9,000 cost with a projected incremental increase of $1,000 in any given year to account for variations in the harshness of winter weather. Another public hearing will be held on the subject on May 10 at 7:30 pm.. at Township Hall.