STAND Strength Team to visit Oxford Schools

The STAND Strength Team is coming to the Oxford area on Monday thru Sunday, September 10-16 for doing local school assemblies and FREE evening programs at Oakwood Community Church (5791 Oakwood Rd.) in Brandon Township.
STAND is a national and international non-profit organization standing before thousands of people yearly. They go into public and private schools, prisons, churches and concerts using feats of strength to illustrate a powerful message. STAND is the most spectacular school assembly program in the nation; promoting anti-bullying, anti-violence, anti-drugs, antialcohol, anti-peer pressure, respecting others, academic excellence and making the right choices.
After seeing the team in action the experience will be unforgettable and the impact will be life changing. The success stories as a result of the STAND program number in the thousands. Young people are now saying NO to the negative and destructive choices and YES to the positive and wholesome choices.
The STAND Team is made up of many world class athletes that use their strength to convey a positive message.
Every child under the age of 18 that brings a VIP Pass coupon receives a free full color autographed poster of the team. For additional information about the program please visit or call 248-628-6388.