Student garden grows community

By David Fleet
Goodrich— Last week the Goodrich Garden Club began the harvest of their crops planted this spring. The raised beds along with other items were provided thanks to a grant from the Goodrich Educational Foundation, Spencer & Joyce Alford and the Michigan Association of Retired School Personnel.
“The goal is to become a community garden for Goodrich and the kids,” said Jackie Eickhoff. “Some of the plants started in the greenhouse the first week after school was out. The project was for any child that wanted to participate.”
The students planted, weeded and maintained the plants throughout the summer, she said.
Leanna Mazich, school social worker, joined Eickhoff for the project.
“About six to 15 students participated during the summer,” said Mazich. “We had the eagerness to create some hands-on learning for the kids in the community. The kids have been taking vegetables home, families come and pick what they need along with staff members. If any community member would like to contribute to the garden that would be welcome. The more we could get involved the better, we are game for support.”

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