By Meg Peters
Review Co-Editor
Lake Orion High School senior Kathryn Linehan was personally requested by President Barack Obama to continue her pursuit of civil service.?
She had the opportunity to sit down with the President after being’one of two selected as ‘senators? to represent Michigan at the American Legion Auxiliary Girls Nation. Girls Nation, an annual civic training program led by the American Legion Auxiliary, was held the final week of July and brought some of the most politically active students from around the country to Washington D.C. for a series of mock government trials.?
First, Linehan made it to Girls State, held at the end of June. Working from the ground up, students nominated from different regions around Michigan ran for mock office, first for the local level, then by county and finally for state positions.?
Linehand operated as Vice Party Chair of the Federalists. She campaigned, planned conventions, and chose candidates to be the face of the party, among other civic responsibilities, in a two party regiment: the Federalists and the Nationalists.
Each participant was assigned to a city based off of a major Michigan city, named after past American Legion Auxiliary presidents, and each city was dished out a packet of problems.
With every decision, students had to uphold the Michigan constitution, and argue confidently, in a civic and respectful demeanor.?
Her passion did not go by unnoticed, and Linehan was selected to interview for the chance to continue on to Girls Nation in Washington D.C.?
A group interview ensued, where Linehan spoke her mind on several issues. .?
For one such issue ‘concerning a wage gap between men and women’Linehan said there was no end-all solution.
‘All of the girls and I were in consensus that it is an issue,? she said. ‘I thought that the first step is educating on the problem, and showing that there is a disparity between genders. By promoting education and discussion on the wage gap, we could then continue by emphasizing this issue in legislation and government.??
Interviewees were also asked to present what piece of mock legislation they would submit at Girls Nation.
Being from the Great Lake State, Linehan and her partner Brianna Moynihan of Grand Haven chose to create new legislation covering hyrdogeological studies. Namely, the team proposed new regulations requiring hydrogeological studies on aquifers that were being stressed by either commercial or residential purposes.
Linehan and Moynihan felt their legislation would preserve the nation’s aquifers in a way that would still allow industries to be productive.
‘After doing research, we realized there is almost no regulation on it,? she said. ‘It’s a national and international issue. We think it’s important to assess what natural resources we have now rather than just dealing with the consequences of our actions.?
Of six interviewees, Linehan and Moynihan were chosen to argue their legislation during mock senate sessions in D.C. at Girls Nation.?
That’s where Linehan got to meet the President. To her, it was slightly overwhelming, but oh so exciting.?
‘He spoke to us about being the next generation, and our job as the younger generation to make sure we are pursuing civil service. And even if we don’t pursue it, to be active in our community.?
Linehan loved every second of it.
‘It was really great being surrounded by so many intelligent and passionate girls just because that’s an environment you don’t always get to be immersed it?
Linehan and other senators chosen from around the United States discussed their policies in subcommittees and on the floor, taking turns’taking risks.?
Each girl was required to stand up before the floor to raise and address questions.?
‘It was nerve racking, but it was worth taking the risk to stand up for something that you believe in,? she said. ‘Seeing people being so passionate reminded me that it’s still something I should try to incorporate in my everyday life.?
The LOHS senior plans to continue studying political science through college.
‘I don’t know if I want to go into local government, or international studies, so that is something exciting to see.?
Linehan first applied to Girls State after hearing a broadcast play on LOAM, the high school’s news channel.’All female students in their junior year of high school are eligible to apply for Girls State.