Superintendent says goodbye

With a new supervisor taking office, there’s no need for a superintendent, which is why Superintendent Bart Clark will be out of a job on November 20 when Pat Kittle is sworn in.
Bart Clark has been serving Independence Township as Superintendent since November 16, 2011, and ‘it’s been a terrific job,? he said.
As superintendent, Clark has coordinated the heads of the Building, DPW, Library, and Assessing departments and held weekly meetings, which have been ‘very valuable,? Clark said. From Clark’s perspective, when ‘things click? with those departments there’s a necessary ‘give and take? that helps the township run more efficiently.
Clark also gives reports at each board of trustees meeting and offers recommendations on the various projects the township undertakes. Based on feedback from members of the community, Clark also shares insights on how township ordinances can be strengthened and clarified.
Many on the board had kind words to say about Clark and his work before they voted to eliminate his position and transfer his responsibilities to the supervisor as of November 20.
‘I very much appreciate you,? said Treasurer Curt Carson. ‘The township should be very proud of what you’ve done and accomplished,? he added.
Trustee Larry Rosso said, Clark ‘really filled a void,? and Clerk Barb Pallotta agreed.
‘His integrity is unquestionable to me,? she said. ‘Thank you so much Mr. Clark.?
Clark and his family have a long history of serving his community. Clark was a U.S. Naval Commander and his great great great grandfather Jeremiah Clark was the township’s first supervisor.
Now that his time as superintendent has a clear endpoint, Clark hopes to continue serving the township, but he has also considered returning to Auto Steel Partnership where he worked after retiring from Ford in 2005. Even though he’ll leave the role of superintendent behind, Clark says, ‘I’d do it again in a heartbeat!?