Thanks Orion!

Summer is officially over and this year’s Dragon on the Lake is a wonderful memory. As we settle back into the rhythm of familiar routines, I’d like to pause and share my gratitude.
We’ve received so much positive feedback about this year’s event. As the Director of the Art Center, I’m the face of our organization. But there are many individuals behind the scenes who give selflessly of their time and energy, working countless hours to make it all happen.
To our volunteers, I’d like to say thank you. You dazzle me with your ideas and enthusiasm. Your tireless effort on our behalf is an incredibly generous gift to the Art Center and this community. Your spirit and hard work is the fuel that powers our organization and Dragon on the Lake.
To the volunteers who gave our festival a beautiful evening kickoff party, coordinated the dragon boat races on and off the lake, and staffed the Dragon Pub, thank you.
To the artists who took such care in restoring our dragon mural and happily covered dragon eggs with imagination, thank you.
To the wonderful high school students who rebuilt the dragon float and toiled in the hot sun, constructing signs, setting up tables, staffing recycling stations, inflatables and information booths… and to the parents who brought their kids to help and ended up helping themselves, thank you.
Dragon on the Lake started as a small celebration of the 30th anniversary of the Art Center. In four short years it’s grown to become a true community event. This two day festival is key in helping to fund the Art Center, our exhibits, classes, camps, and scholarships.
There’s not enough space to thank everyone by name, but I do want to give special recognition to the team coordinators for their leadership, hard work and positive attitude.
Dragon Boat Races- Rob Cavanagh
Dragon Pub- Lisa Cummins
Kidz Zone- Brenda Pescia
Chalk Art Challenge- Will Haverty
Extreme Zone- Gimmy Cipriano
Kickoff Party- Mary Brooks
Merchandise- Andrea Ordakowski
Baby Dragon Boat Raffle- Don Walker
Logistics- Patti Campbell, Tim Plawinski
Program Support- Sue Willick
Art Center- Joanne Holmes, Cindy Wheeler, Deb Lovell
I truly believe that the Art Center is just as much about bringing people together as it is about art. In my eight months as Director, I’ve heard many stories about the group of artists, three decades ago, who had a dream.
They moved a small house to the banks of the Paint Creek, and while the wind blew through the windows and rattled the floorboards, they taught classes to children and shared their creativity.
Many of those founders are no longer with us. But I like to think that they’d be happy to know that their vision is still very much alive, embraced by a community that cares.
Lauren Dinneweth
Orion Art Center Director