‘On November 15, 2009, I shot this dandy 8-point buck at 4:30 p.m. in Alcona county, with my Ruger M-77 rifle.
Although smaller than my buck last year, he allowed me to win our camp’s big buck contest again.
Best of all, out of 20 hunters, I was the only female hunter in the woods!
Kudos again to my dad, Joe Pasuit, for passing on his hunting wisdom and his love of the outdoors to his daughter. Thanks, Dad, and thank you, Lake Orion Review.?
-Michele Parsons
The Buck Pole
Just shot the deer of your dreams and want to brag to all your friends?
What better way to do it than gathering ’round the Buck Pole and swapping your stories here in the pages of The Review? All you have to do is send in who you are (full name, address, phone number) where you got your deer and how big it was.
To gather ’round the Buck Pole, send an email (attach photos as JPGs) to lakeorionreview@sbcglobal.net or send a photo to Lake Orion Review, 30 N. Broadway, Lake Orion, MI 48362.
We will continue to publish the Buck Pole throughout the hunting season.
As always, exaggerations and venison jerky are welcome!
Dear Buck Pole,
My name is Dan Sheridan and I am 14-years-old. I got a 9-point buck that was field dressed at 245 pounds this year. I shot it with a Horton crossbow in Delaware County, Ohio.
This is my third buck from that area in the last three years. I owe it all to my Uncle Bill, an Ohio DNR officer, who hosts ‘deer camp? for me and my brothers.
I also need to thank my dad, Mike Sheridan, who helped drag this monster out of the woods and who has transferred his love for the outdoors to me and my brothers.
Thanks to you both! I love you!
— Dan Sheridan
Lake Orion
Dear Buck Pole,
My name is Michele Parsons and on November 16, 2008 I got an 8 point buck in Alcona County with my Ruger M-77 rifle. The buck weighed 175 pounds field dressed and has a 20.5 inch spread. I owe my hunting successes and my love of the outdoors to my dad, Joe Pasuit. Hunting with my dad has not just a pastime, but an honor. I cherish the time spent with him and the memories and laughs we make at ‘deer camp? every year are priceless. Thanks, Dad!
And thank you Lake Orion Review!
Just shot the deer of your dreams and want to brag to all your friends?
What better way to do it than gathering ’round the Buck Pole and swapping your stories here in the pages of the Review.
We will continue to publish the Buck Pole throughout the hunting season.
All you have to do is send in who you are (full name, address, phone number) where you got your deer and how big it was. We will be publishing the results throughout the hunting season.
Former Lake Orion Police Chief Jim Leach is still shooting. He got an eight-point, 180 pound buck in Lewiston. It was his first deer in 22 years. Charlie Harkins, Cecil Ryckman and Art Frantz were all witnesses.
Adam Storts , age 14, from Lake Orion, shot a doe opening morning at his Uncle Mitch’s hunting camp in Alpena. It’s his third deer since he started hunting at age 12.
Want your deer hunting story in the Review? Here’s how.
Just shot the deer of your dreams and want to brag to all your friends?
What better way to do it than gathering ’round the Buck Pole and swapping your stories here in the pages of the Review.
We will continue to publish the Buck Pole throughout the hunting season.
All you have to do is send in who you are (full name, address, phone number) where you got your deer and how big it was. We will be publishing the results throughout the hunting season.