To the polls

Voters headed to the polls on Tuesday, Nov. 5 to elect four members to City of the Village of Clarkston City Council.
Incumbents Richard Bisio, Eric Haven, Thomas Hunter and newcomer David Marsh were running for three, two-year seats on council.
Former Clarkston Mayor Sharron Catallo was running unopposed for a one-year partial term on council.
Just before 9 a.m., 11 voters had shown up to cast their ballot.
Officials said they had already received 80 absentee ballots, and expected a low voter turnout throughout the day.
Temporary Clerk Jan Gillespie said the city expected about 20 percent, or about 180 registered voters in the area, to turn out throughout the day.
Gillespie added it was a small voter turnout, unlike a 2010 election when 89 percent of registered voters showed up to cast their yes or no vote to disband the local police department. That vote failed by just four votes.
Results of the election will be included in next week’s edition of The Clarkston News.
~Andrea Beaudoin