Township board members say goodbye

‘I leave with somewhat of a heavy heart and bittersweet feelings, but I think it’s time,? said Trustee Larry Rosso when he spoke of his 16 years of service at his last township board meeting on Nov. 13.
Rosso along with Trustee Neil Wallace and Treasurer Curt Carson took a few moments to say goodbye at the end of their final meeting.
During his time on the board, Rosso said he appreciated input from the public.
‘A lot of folks offered a lot of constructive criticism, and that I appreciate because that is the way I learn so much.?
He also expressed gratitude to the boards he served with previously and the current board.
‘I’d like to thank the people of Independence Township for my opportunity to serve you. I can tell you for the last four years I have very much enjoyed it,? said Carson.
He also reflected on his four-year term.
‘Over the past four years, we have faced some tough challenges, and we have weathered the storm,? said Carson. ‘After the worst economy since the great depression, I honestly feel that we are leaving this place in a much stronger position than when we got here.?
Wallace discussed the board’s impact over his term too.
‘We changed the way in which the township governs itself, and I hope that that will endure,? he said.
In addition, Wallace described his perspective on Independence Township.
‘What we have here is a truly special community,? he said. ‘We can survive and thrive because of that, but the key thing is to stay true to who we are to the nature of our community, to the scale of our community even as we grow it is necessary for us to do that.?
Mark Petterson, whose service as a trustee officially ended on Nov. 20, did not attend the meeting.
On Nov. 27 at 7:30 p.m. at the Township Hall the new board consisting of Supervisor Pat Kittle, Clerk Barb Pallotta, Treasurer Paul Brown, Trustees David Lohmeier, Andrea Schroeder, Jose Aliaga, and Ron Ritchie will hold their first meeting.
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