Township to host Parks & Rec. open house

Orion Township and Wade Trim will be hosting a public open house to gather comments and input relating to the Parks and Recreation/Open Spaces Master Plan at the Township Hall Board Room on Wednesday, May 23 from 6:30-8:30 p.m.
The Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee, with the assistance of residents at the public forum, developed draft concept plans for each of the township parks. The public is invited to view the plans and provide input and feedback on the proposed improvements.
The township will utilize input at the open house, coupled with the information gathered from the recent Needs Assessment Survey and Public Workshop, to finalize the concept plans as well as goals and objectives, a capital improvements schedule for the next five years, and design guidelines for the township parks.
If you cannot attend the open house, but would like to provide input, please e-mail Rock Blanchard, Parks and Recreation Director, at, or call (248)391-0332, ext. 134.