Townships, village support SMART

By Shelby Stewart-Soldan
Brandon Twp. — Area municipalities have voted to give their Suburban Mobility Authority for Regional Transportation (SMART) municipal credits to Brandon Township for use at the Edna Burton Senior Center.
SMART municipal credits are awarded from SMART to area municipalities for community transit needs, such as transportation services for senior citizens or disabled riders. It is not a millage on the taxpayers, and is not part of the Oakland County Transit millage that was approved in 2022.
On Aug. 12 the Groveland Township Board of Trustees voted 5-0 to allocate their credits, totaling $5,529. In years past all of SMART credits were split between Brandon and Holly townships.
“We still have the option to allocate these funds to wherever we like,” said Jenell Keller, Groveland Township clerk. “The county has strongly recommended the funds be given to WOTA, however, I have made sure that is not a requirement.”
Faye Bindig, Edna Burton Senior Center director, addressed the board in support of the senior center during the meeting.
Bindig reported five Groveland Township residents use the Brandon Senior Center bus, two of which are on a weekly basis. The center also delivers food programs including Focus Hope for low income seniors and Commodities for low income individuals. In addition, many residents from Groveland Township use the Edna Burton Senior Center.
In 2023, 50% of the county transit taxes in Groveland went to the West Oakland Transportation Authority, in 2024 the anticipated amount will be 80%.
“Well 80% of our township Oakland Transit money is about $240,000,” said Theresa Bills, township treasurer. “We should give the $5,529 to Brandon for the senior center. I know that five or six residents is not a lot, but they would not have any other way to do this. It’s a good place to give the money. It’s money well spent.”
Likewise, on Aug. 26, the Ortonville Village Council voted unanimously to transfer their $1,292 in SMART municipal credits for 2024 and 2025 to Brandon Township for the senior center.
Brandon Township voted on Aug. 12 to complete the contract with SMART, which would award them $13,110 in SMART municipal credits. The total municipal credits would be $19,931 to help offset the costs of transportation at the EBSC, which utilizes two SMART passenger buses and one SMART passenger van.
While other services like WOTA or NOTA, the North Oakland Transportation Authority, service the area, the senior center is still able to provide transportation for area residents through SMART Credits and the senior center budget, which does not include funds from the Oakland County Transit millage. WOTA and NOTA do receive funds from the transit millage. The senior center buses also ask for suggested donations depending on distance traveled to help with costs and wages for drivers.
“What you’re paying for out of the tax money is going to WOTA and NOTA,” said Bindig. “They do service their area, just like NOTA services here periodically, but we get none of that money. The SMART money for the community credits is the only money that we get. This is coming from SMART.”

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