Try editing better

It’s nice to know the US has added a 51st state, Conneticutt. It’s also nice to know there is a new word in the dictionary, skeptcal.
I find it astounding that your publication has numerous spelling errors in almost every edition.
I would think you would be checking all articles for spelling mistakes and misuse of words before sending the edition for print.
As a professional publication, you should be leading by example, not letting obvious errors get into print so everybody can see them.
It’s gotten to the point where I’m reading the different articles to see if I can find errors.
Lisa Valentine, I think, is the most guilty of this. In fact, in a recent article about the boy’s swim team talks about duel meets when it should be dual meets.
I enjoy reading your publication because I find out about happenings in the area, but you should be more diligent in your editing practices.
Larry Rose