Village keeps Bunting

The Oxford Village Council Tuesday night voted unanimously to approve a retainer agreement for village attorney Robert Bunting effective July 1, 2004 and extending to July 1, 2007.
Under the agreement, the village will pay Bunting a retainer fee of $14,000 per year for three years, plus $125 per hour for non-retainer items. According to officials, these dollar amounts represent no increase over the existing retainer agreement with Bunting.
Retainer items include “routine drafting of individual ordinances, attending the requisite meetings, conferencing with administration on an as needed basis without additional charge, routine legal reuqest from the village council on a whole (acting as a body at a regular village meeting), the rendering of legal opinions upon request by the council members, manager or clerk and routine advice as required from time to time by the village manager and/or village clerk.”
Non-retainer items include “preparation for threatened or actual litigation, ordinance enforcement litigation and/or prosecutions, environmental, labor arbitration, tax, Charter, annexation issues, negotiations, hearings, contractual matters, real estate transfers or interests in real estate transfers or contracts, pension and/or retirement issues and the like.”