Village looks at bills and security cameras

Nobody likes to be billed for unexplained charges, and the Oxford Village Council no exception.
The council is holding up paying a few of bills due to insufficient detail as to how the charges were incurred.
In a Nov. 12 letter to John R. Axe of Axe & Ecklund, a Grosse Point Farms-based law firm that provides bond counsel services, Village Manager Joe Young took exception to three bills charged to the village.
According to an Oct. 31 invoice from Municipal Financial Consultants, Inc. (a financial advisory firm company affiliated with Axe & Ecklund), the village was charged $10,100 in financial consulting fees for services rendered related to the sale and delivery of $2.45 million capital improvement bonds, a $200 municipal advisory council fee and then $361.34 in expenses for travel, meetings and telecommunications.
The financial consulting fee on the invoice lists neither an hourly rate, nor the amount of hours worked.
‘Our council does not pay bills presented in such a manner as there is insufficient detail,? Young wrote in the letter.
He asked the firm to provide specific details to explain the charges. These details include who performed the services, how much time was spent and the hourly rate.
Young also wrote both the $200 and $361.34 fees seemed ‘inappropriate? and asked that they be corrected accordingly.
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Also at that meeting, plans for security cameras at 98 South Glaspie Street and at Centennial Park are on hold until lights can be installed at both locations.
The Council decided the installation of lights would then officials a better idea where security cameras should be placed.
Incidents of vandalism at both parks has prompted the need for the cameras, Police Chief Michael Neymanowski said. The chief will meet with Young and other officials to decide the best locations for the cameras.
Centennial Park, like the Glaspie building, has become a makeshift skate park. According to the chief, there has been vandalism done at the gazebo. Some benches have sustained damage after skateboarders have ridden on them, he said.
Three companies have submitted bids to install the security cameras. Porter’s Contracted Services? offer includes a $4,890 bid for video internet at both locations and $10,040 for wireless video at both locations. Thumb Alarms Systems offer is for up to $6,413 for video internet at both locaions and $11,943 for wireless video. ADT Security’s offer is for up to $4,613.80 for video internet; it did not place a bid for wireless video services.
The building at 98 South Glaspie is village-owned property. Department of Public Works is using a section of it while it’s also being leased to Oakland Mobile Marine for storage purposes.