Dear Editor,
(In response to, ‘Village of Goodrich deserves the best,? The Citizen, Nov.13, page 6):
Answering back to the Village of Goodrich deserves the best! Yes, I do live in the township, but I help fight each time for the village to stay the village! I also have lived in the village three doors down from my ex-brother-in-law. We moved out of the village not because of my taxes, but because Reid and I wanted more of a yard for our boys to grow up in. We moved in a home with 700 square feet less and a bigger yard, both homes valued the same, and taxes stayed the same and across the road is the village!
I walked out of the meeting, Doug, when they wanted you to be in charge of the DPW (and by the way, I never said a word’no name calling or obscenities for your information) Being related to you for years, Pete and I were heartsick to see what would happen to the DPW with you in charge. You have received how many code violations for your yard, have you not? So why would you be able to take care of the streets and sidewalks as well as Pete has! I don’t understand how the taxpayers would want a person in charge who does not pay their own taxes. The village looks better than it ever has, these past few years, and the village taxes have gone down thirty percent, have they not? I’m sorry to say, but we all know that you don’t want the village and neither does Wartella and Jackson.
I met one of your voters at the last meeting, he apologized for voting for you and Jackson, he said he had no idea that this would be the way you two would handle things. So, I am asking the township and especially the village taxpayers and business owners to please be at the next village meeting Dec 13. After all, if the village starts looking bad and is put in the red, who will want to move here, and then what will happen to property values? Yes, I understand that we already have lost a lot in this economy on property values, but it seems if you destroy the village we will never get them back!
Becky McAbee-Cummings