Vote for DSO concert to come to Clarkston

The Clarkston Center for the Performing Arts (CCPA) hopes to get not only a free performance from The Detroit Symphony Orchestra (DSO) but also to watch the production in the Clarkston High School auditorium.
A performance from the DSO in our community will only be made possible through online votes, however. So far, the DSO has heard ‘a lot of good responses, but we need more,? said Cory Johnston, chair of the CCPA’s Development Committee. For the DTE Energy Foundation to present the DSO in Clarkston, the community must share their support via votes and comments on the site by June 14.
‘This is another opportunity for our community to be a great place to live,? said Joette Kunse, who took part in nominating Clarkston for the performance. ‘It would be so wonderful for all ages in the community, and many people probably don’t get to Detroit? to see the DSO.
Johnston agrees and believes a DSO concert will ‘inspire people to participate? in more performing arts activities in the community.
To vote, check and remember to vote for Oakland County as well as leave a comment about why the DSO should perform in Clarkston. The winner of a free DSO performance will be announced on June 18.