Vote yes Feb.22: Excellent facilities, quality education

Dear Editor,
I am writing this letter in support of the $15.4 million bond proposal that Goodrich Area Schools is putting on the ballot Feb. 22. Although it seems counterintuitive to ask taxpayers for an extension now during these rough economic times, the district is showing excellent stewardship in caring for the community’s resources on many fronts.
Just like buying a home, now is the time to buy goods and services of this magnitude because interest rates, materials, and labor costs are low. Investing in our schools now will ensure that the district and the community as a whole will receive the maximum return on investment. A major facilities upgrade will allow the district to continue to sell their brand to prospective parents and students who are undoubtedly ‘shopping around? when looking for a place to settle. As an educator in another school district, I have seen firsthand the importance of having something that people want and the impact of that on the bottom line. Having excellent facilities, coupled with a quality education that we already provide, makes Goodrich a destination district. The more kids that walk through the doors, the more money will be available to provide opportunities for our kids.
What is in it for the community member with no kids in the district? Lots! It has long been known that property values are tied directly to the quality of the education that can be provided in a certain area. Plain and simple this means that the better the schools, the more your house is worth. If this seems like a fallacy, take a look at districts in the near vicinity. The current mill rate (7.75) requires most of us to pay less than $1,000 a year in tax. As home values begin to rise again, it is hard to imagine the return not outpacing the per year tax.
With young children of my own in the district, I am excited about the opportunities that this bond issue will provide for them.
Rob Murray