Walker needs pledges for theater

Jane Kline is hoping that a half marathon she’s participating in will help to cover Upland Hills School’s Karen Joy Theatre’s expenses for bringing in ‘world class entertainment.?
Kline, who works as managing director of the theater, will be participating in the Oct. 19 half marathon of the Detroit Free Press/Flagstar Marathon in Detroit.
She’s raised $75 in pledges so far and hopes to reach her goal of $2,000.
The half marathon a 13.2-mile trip starting in Detroit, crossing over the Ambassador Bridge into Canada, walking along the Detroit River on Windsor, Ont.’s Riverside Drive, going back into America through the Detroit-Windsor Tunnel and finishing through various Detroit city attractions.
It must be completed within four hours, so the Detroit-Windsor Tunnel can be reopened to vehicular traffic.
‘They say that if you’re not at a certain spot by a certain time, you’ll be out,? Kline said. ‘I’ve been training hard for about two months now building up my stamina.?
When Kline heard that the Detroit Marathon could be done for charity, she thought it would be a great way of raising money for the school’s theater.
Because the theater charges so little for admission, the ticket sales alone don’t pay the performers.
Established in 2003, the Karen Joy Theatre seats 130 people. Among the various musicians and performers who’ve appeared at the theater are cellist Eugene Friesen, drummer Glen Velez (both Grammy Award winners) and songwriter/’industrial re-percussionist? Billy Jonas.
The theater also features local productions, both original plays and licensed productions.
‘We need quality family entertainment that’s close to home with high gas prices and the economy being the way it is,? Kline said. ‘We still need to go out and laugh and enjoy our lives and have happiness. We really believe it’s important for the community to have enriching cultural experiences.?
Kline, whose background is in television, is in her third season serving as the theater’s managing director.
She first became involved when her sons went to Upland Hills School. Her involvement with UHS continued even after her sons completed the program.
‘I loved it so much that I didn’t want to leave,? said Kline, of Clarkston.
She has helped UHS Artistic Director Karen Moore direct children’s plays, teaches theater and also has volunteered there.
‘We try to bring to the community awareness and shows that have great performances and performers,? she said.
For more information about Upland Hills School or the Karen Joy Theatre visit www.uplandhills.org.
To make a pledge for Kline’s fund-raising walk call 248-693-2878 or e-mail her at jkline@uplandhills.org.