Why stripe now?

Drivers on village streets will probably not see any bright yellow lines any time soon.
Lake Orion Village Council members on Sept. 22 were hesitant to approve any contract for striping work.
“It seems like it should be done in the spring. It doesn’t make sense (to do it now),” council president Bill Siver said.
Three companies responded to a request for bids. The lowest was Hart Paving Striping at $5,500.
According to LO Village Manager JoAnn Van Tassel, this year’s work is more extensive than in the past. It includes striping 65 crosswalks, three school crossings, 21 cross bars, 11 STOP markings, seven streets with double yellow center lines, six streets with parking spaces marked and two parking lots.
Councilman Tom Albert thought the Downtown Development Authority Board should be approached about paying for the work.
Van Tassel said the DDA has no provisions for pavement striping in its current budget and would have to have plenty of notice if it wanted to discuss the possibility of using funds for the work.
Councilman Doug Dendel wanted to know if it was critical to stripe the three school crossings this year..
Van Tassel suggested if the DPW had no striping machine, one could be rented so at least the school crossings could be done.