New Road Commissioner Eric Wilson learned recently what goes on in the agency’s Department of Citizen Services, when he spent part of a day fielding calls with the department clerks.
The RCOC Department of Citizen Services (DCS) is set up to receive phone calls and e-mails from residents with road concerns or questions.
The department handles 20,000 to 30,000 phone calls and e-mails every year. The department’s five clerks answer questions and record the residents? concerns and direct them to the appropriate department or division within the Road Commission. Where necessary, they provide follow-up to the residents.
The commissioner reported his time in DCS was well spent and very educational. Several of the callers, including one local official, were surprised to find a road commissioner on the other end of their calls.
‘This was a great experience,? Wilson said. ‘This is where the rubber meets the road.?